Chapter 10 ~ NEVER make a lady Angry

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Kitty's Pov

Let's think back to before all of this happened... before the fallout... I'm trying to remember... can I even remember??

I guess not....

I open my eyes, I'm not blindfolded any more, instead I'm sitting on a chair, handcuffed behind my back, and there is a man in front of me. Who is this man? I don't know what he looks like, my vision is blurry. Is it even a man? I see that... person stand up and walk out of the room, I'm confused. Why wait till I wake up then just walk out?that's just stupid, or did he...or she... wanted me to see him or her?

I try to stand up, doesn't work, I try to slide the handcuffs off my wrist, doesn't work. I sigh, why does everyone hate me! And why does everyone have to kidnap me!

I decide to look around. I shout and listen for a eco, a eco sounded and it travelled a tiny bit, im a narrow small room. I look at where that person exited out of, when that person opens the door it let light it, I know I'm in a office type room. Also when that person opened the door I saw a kennel room, how do I know this? Well it send kennel on the door with big red letters.

I hope they didn't take uni or Chole otherwise they wouldn't need that room. When I get out, I will check there just in case...

Uni's Pov

I am thrown into a dog cell, like a kennel, I curl up into a corner, this brings back to many memories, bad ones. I whimper... if only Chloe were here, I hope they didn't catch her...

I rest my head on my paws and i whimper again, my ears twitch to whimper that is not my own.

"hello??" I ask, if there is another dog In here I can talk to?

"U..U..Uni?" the voice replied, it's very familiar.

"Yea, how do.... Never mind... when did you get thrown in here?" I ask...

"not long ago... today properly" that voice replies. I swear I know this voice... just... where do I know it from.

"yea... this place brings back so many memories"

"how so?"

"Well, the enclave did experiments on me... made me who I am today, minus the robotic parts" I laugh a bit. The voice laughs too.

"so, being here, isn't a good thing to your mind?" the voice asks.

"Not at all, can i ask you something?"

"yea, sure"

" What is your name" I ask the voice.

"UNI!! ITS ME CHLOE!!! IT HAS BEEN LIKE 5 OR 6 HOURS AND YOU ALREADY FORGOT WHAT I SOUND LIKE!! how could you" Chole whimpers. Boy she's scary when she's mad.

"Chloe! I didn't forget...I..I..I..." I sighs "I can escape this can I?"

"Nope, When I get out of here I am going to claw your good eye out!" she says, I whimper a bit, she can actually will do that, remind me never to make a pregnant lady mad... or any lady in fact.

"Uni?" She asks


"Are we going to get out of here?" she asks, she sounds scared

"yes we are" I say, I don't know for sure but I hope that Me, Chloe and whoever else they kidnapped, will get out of here safely... all we can do now is hope...

Wolves And A Cat  ~K.U.C~  Book 2Where stories live. Discover now