Chapter 23~Home with New additions

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Cory's Pov

Its strange how the world can seem fair one minute then un-fair the net. the world took my girl away from me. the work took the one i loved from me and with her... the world took my ability to trust. that brings me to this point in time. me packing my bags to find her myself.

"Cory, what are you doing?" Daniel asks me from the doorway.

"Packing.... its been 3-4 months and we still havent found her, Uni or chloe!"

"you are really losing track of time, its been about 5 months" Daniel says and walks over to me. I turn and look at him.

"what are you gonna do? Stop me from trying to find the one i love! YOUR sister!" i cross my arms, Daniel sighs and  shakes his head.

"no but if you want to find her so bad then let me tell you this... I sent a group to go and investigate a sighting of a girl who its Kitty's Description. the sitness says that the girl has a dog with her"

I stare at him speechless, they found her... no, I can't get my hopes up, just for them to break when it turns out it not her. "Thanks for the information Daniel" I say, he nods and walks out of the room. Where ever you are kitty... I hope you are safe.

Kitty's pov

"Uni stop i mean it" I say, Holding uni closely. Just before we were going to leave chloe went into labor and Uni wants to be with her but strom says that she will be protective of the newborns for few hours

"KITTY, LET ME GO" Uni yells at me and trys to bite me, he keeps trying to get out of my arms then he growls at me and i growl back. 

I hold him steady for about 7 hours then storm walks over to me "you can let him go now, chloe is to tired to fight" she says, I let go of Uni and he runs inside and over to chloe. i sigh and look at storm.

"how long till we can travel?" i ask, standing up and stretching.

"About a few days at least, the pups wont be opening their eyes for about 2 weeks so if we get them to the base before then. but its not likely" she says, i nod and look inside the cave.

Uni is licking chloe's face and her four pups lay against her. i smile, they will make amazing parents. Storm walks inside and sits next to Adam. They all start talking, laughing and smiling. while the fire starts to burn


Sitting outside the cave, watching the Atomic orange and Yellow glow of the sunset. I start thinking about everything that has happened since my Journey began in the waste land. all my adventures, all of my new friends, everything that is still weird to me. I smile to myself, I still remember the first time i met the boys. they were so young and still immature. Uni was all over the place and adam had a hard shell, he still does but he has let others in and he has become soft for his friends that for him, has turned into his family. Nick is still all about Caps and mushroom stew but his childish side has began to fade away, apart from the rare moments when he finds caps and stew. Cory... he has changed the most in my opinion. he use to just kill and raid with only him and his boys, he didnt give out trust easily and all he does it keep his friends safe.

They all have changed, all if them. they are turning into men... Men of the Fallout and i can tell that they are proud of who they have become. I know i am, and even if i dont know them as long as they have known each other. I can tell that they are brothers to each other.

The girls have changed to, even tho i haven't known the for as long as they have known each other, i can tell that they have gained the ability to trust. especially terra, from what i can tell when i first met her, she has have a rough past... they all have... i mean who doesn't these days

I sigh, i'm gonna miss them... All of them

"you okay?" Max asks as he sits next to me. I nod "yeah... just thinking about everything that has happened, i guess" i say to him. he hands me a bowl of a stew. "dont worry, its not mushroom stew. terra is saving those for Nick" i take the bowl and smile. "thanks max". 

We eat in silence, the sound of friendly voices full the air from inside the cave and talking is all that the lonely wasteland can hear. Max looks at me "Me and Sky has and a rough past but.... im glad that you gave us the opportunity to do some good. We have been bounty hunters for so long, we have forgotten what its like to just relax... just to live life"

I nod "Well everyone deserves  a chance to live life, to relax. everyone here has accepted you and sky. we all have done things that we aren't proud of, the wasteland does that to us. but as we get older and we come across the question; if i could change something, would i?. we would say no, because what we have dont and what has happened to us has made us who we are today and plus,we need to be proud of who we have become because we cant change the past only the future"

"thanks kitty, that means a lot"

"call me winter" I hold out my hand, Max smiles and shakes it "thanks Winter"


We have been packing up our stuff since dawn, its been a weeks since the pups were born and everyone is more than ready to go home.

"Everyone ready?" shy asks us. Yeps and yess's come from our group. "Good, Lets head out!"

TIme to go back home

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