Chapter 18~ Oh God, not them again

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Kittys pov

Night is looming as we run through the street, being chased


Let me start from the beginning, after we left the cave

~Flash back~

We look through cabinets and under floorboards and bed, trying to find supplies for the sandstorm coming.

"Kitty! I smell something!" uni says

I sigh, this is the fifth time he has said that and the last four times it was rats, dried and cooked rats, ew.

"ok uni, it better be good" I say and I open the chest the he was scratching at, nothing.

"Uni there is nothing in here"i tell him,

"what! But I smell gunpowder"

"Gunpowder?" I ask him and I feel around the inside edges and I feel a hidden button, I press it and the bottom of the chest loosens, I take the false bottom out and I see some Shotgun ammo and a high powered handgun with lots of ammo for it and lots of MRE's.

"good find uni" I say and I scratch behind his ears.

he lets out a happy bark. I laugh and put all of it in my backpack. He looks around and barks and runs outside, I look confused and i walk outside to find 3 men, two of them are pointing their guns at us and the other one stands in between them calmly. i know them some how. Uni runs up to me and stays in front of me and snarls and growls at the men.

If only Uni was bigger than what his size is otherwise... he's not going to do much scarring them.

"well, well, well." one of the men walk forward, robotic voice and some type of power armor i think, "what do we have here"

"well, obviously me " i say sarcastically.

"Haha. Kitty, Uni. well done escaping but right now. We are taking you back and punishing you for leaving" the robot man thing says.

I can't remember his name, or if it was given to me anyway.

"wow Ross, that's low, even for you" one of the men says, a ginger. So ross, that's the robotic man thing's name.

"shut up Max, if it wasn't for your and sky's awful guarding, we wouldn't be here!!" Ross yells at the ginger.. Wait, Max, Ross, Sky?.... Oh No, Not them Again.

I bend down and whisper to Uni

"We need to get out of here now"

Uni nods in agreement and i look back up at the men, the crew, the gang, the whatever they are.

"What do you want with us?" i ask them

"Our employer wants you, he will pay the biggest haul we have had yet, just for the two of you... plus your boyfriend on the side*

I growl at him and bear my sharp fangs.

"Leave him alone Ross. we haven't done anything to you guys"

Ross laughs and sky and max keep their guns pointed at us. "It's not what you have done to us it's what you have done to get so high up on the wanted list. Number 2,3 and 4" Sky says

I laugh "only 2,3 and 4?. Whose first?"

"Cory, Uni then you" Max says, he sound tired like doesn't really want to be here.

"aww, really! Only fourth, i was hoping to be at least third" i whine. Let's just say it's really fun to act or be crazy.

"Crazy Bitch" ross says under his breath

"What was that Ross?" I ask him and i move around Uni ,who is still staring at sky and max growling, and walk over to ross so i'm right in front of him.

"I know you hate me, i know you dont like me and i know that you know that i hate you and your job, so just give us a break and bugger off" i look into his eyes as i say this, i look into his soul and his robotic eye things cloud over.

"Leave us alone. Give us a break, leave us alone for a while. That's an order" i tell him and he nods and steps back behind sky and max.

" WHAT THE FUCK! Ross, you can't be serious! Max says and he points the gun straight at my head, an inch away from it.

 Ross looks at max and sky and walks away like he's in a trance, to be completely honest. I have no fucking idea what just happened myself.

And this my friends is when the trouble really starts....

Wolves And A Cat  ~K.U.C~  Book 2Where stories live. Discover now