Chapter 24 ~ finally

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Third person

The echoing sound of footsteps and the occasional yelp of the four pups is all the wasteland can hear from the group. Every single one of them, too cold from the nights, to hot from the days, hungry and tired. they have been traveling for a long time, About a month or two because of the pups needing to rest every few hours and the lack of food and sleep slowly slowing them down.

Terra remains head strong at getting home in one piece. Elizabeth and Adam seem secluded since they headed out. storm and Bubba seem very happy that they are reunited once again after so long but bubba seems jellos of sky who has been walking and staying close to storm, storm doesn't mind Sky's company.

They all can't wait to get home and as their eyes met a mountain with metal and glass panels lining the side of it, Storm, Eli and Adam smile brightly, they are finally seeing home again after who knows how long.

A garage like door opens and 3 men run out. Nick, Daniel and Corry. Nick hugs terra tightly, happy she is home safe. Daniel and Cory hugs kitty as tight as they can, afraid that she will disappear again.

They all walk inside. Uni, chloe and kitty talks to everyone about what has happened to them and all their adventures. it took a bit but they convinced Daniel, cory and everyone else that stayed at the base not to kill Max and Sky.

Kitty and Cory walks away to talk for a bit, when they walk back over to the group they aren't the only ones with news

Kitty smiles at everyone "Guys, me and cory have to tell you guys something"

Storm puts her hand over kitty's mouth "sh, Eli and Adam are telling us something so shhh" cory and kitty nods and looks Elizabeth and Adam. Adam full on smiling speaks first. "after everything that has happened and all the adventures we all have been on, me and Eli has started and Adventure together... the greatest adventure of all..." adam looks at Elizabeth and smiles. Elizabeth looks at the group "i'm pregnant" she says.

Terra and storm squeals and hugs elizabeth. Storm sounds excited " Oh My Irene!! Eli!! I'm so happy for you... for both of you" when she says this. after a bit of congratulating Elizabeth and adam it's Corys and Kitty's turn to share their news. Kitty looks at cory nervously not wanting to ruin the mood. cory sighs and looks at everyone "Guys.... Me and Kitty.... are leaving"

Silence till nick speaks up "when are you leaving and why?" kitty sighs and looks at him "we are leaving tomorrow... we want to find somewhere secluded and just live by ourselves" cory smiles a bit "and hopefully raise a family?" he looks at kitty as he says this. she looks at the floor and runs off crying. Cory looks confused "Did i say something wrong?" Max growls at cory "You Son Of A Bitch!! You can't say things like that around her!!"

"Why? doesnt she like kids or something?" cory asks him confused.

"She Loves Kids, SHE IS JUST INFERTILE!!" Max yells and runs after kitty. Cory just stands there shocked. he try's to go through what max just said and one question comes up in his mind over and over again.... 'why didn't she tell me first'.


Kitty and max sits on the edge if the metal and ground roof of the base. they look out at the sunset. Max looks at her"doesn't this bring back memorys?" max asks her and smiles a bit to lighten the mood. Kitty sighs, "yeah.... i guess i should've told him first.... he just..." she looks at her lap. MAx nods "he just surprised you, he thought of the future without talking to you first"

Kitty nods and looks at him "yeah... Thanks Max"

"No problem winter..... why do you want me to call you that?"

"because, while i was captured I found some documents.... about me"

MAx looks back at the view "about before the fallout right?" he asks her, his voice falters at the end.

Kitty looks at the view too "yeah... kitty was my nickname because of videogames and stuff along those lines, my real name is winter... "

"is she with the enclave?"

"i think so.... But i was already kidnaped by then... why 'save' me when she is with the enclave.. and why take me somewhere else?...Its weird"

Max nods "yeah... anyway, you feeling better?" he asks, he rubs kitty's back comforting. kitty smiles and nods.


Max and Kit-... Winter walks back over to the group after talking for a bit longer. Cory instantly hugs her tightly "i'm so so so so sorry... I didn't know, if i did i wouldn't of said or think about it" she nods and mumbles "It's fine"

Storm smiles brightly "Group Hug!!" she yells and everyone hugs them including bubba. Winter giggles and rests her head of corys shoulder. she is finally home, after everything that has happened after all her adventures, she has finally found somewhere to go back to, a Home... Same with everyone else.

Cory smiles at everyone "Here's To Family! 3, 2, 1" Everyone cheers the word 'Family' at the same time. Giggles, Chuckles, Laughs and lots and lots of talking fulls the night long. Everyone is happy to be home..





A lot of tears were shed the following day and auguring between Uni, chloe and Cory throughout the most part of it. You see, Uni wants to come with cory and winter but cory and chloe wants him to stay with his family. but in the end Uni, chloe and the pups are coming with us.

Lots of hugs, tears, promises to come back and lectures (by daniel to winter and cory) fulls the rest of the morning. In the end winter, cory, Uni and chloe said goodbye and walked off into the unknown wasteland. everyone waving goodbye behind them till they are out of sight.

The End


A woman closes the book on her lap. Twins lay fast asleep in their beds.

The woman whispers. "goodnight my children, sleep well. Don't let the deathclaws invade your dreams" she gets up and turns off the lap then she walks out of the bedroom.

She walks past the sleeping wolves and over to her husband, who sits at the kitchen table skinning rabbits. "The kids asleep?" he asks her, the woman nods. he puts down his knife and hugs her, kisses her head. "you need to sleep, we have a busy day tomorrow" he says to her, she nods and kisses his check then slips of of his arms.

he smiles and sighs "Night Kitty"

"good night camera face"

~ End of Book 3~

Wolves And A Cat  ~K.U.C~  Book 2Where stories live. Discover now