Chapter 3 ~ 80 - 20%

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Kitty's Pov

I hear shuffling, I hear people talking in soft voices. I sigh in my head. 'Ok so if i open my eyes, what's the chance of me being kidnaped again?....Hmm, i think it's about 80-20. 80% to be kidnaped, well lets see then I think to myself and i slowly open my eyes. I'm on a cot in a weird smelling Cell... what... Cell??? I smile and jump around fist bumping the air.

"Yes, Yes, Yes. I knew it.... Damn I should've betted some caps on this shit" i Shout. I stop jumping around and look out of the bars. I see a couple of ghouls across from me looking at me weirdly. Like i am a mad woman. Well i'm technically a mad woman already so i guess they are right.

"Hey!! Lady.......Shut The Fuck Up. Some of us actually are trying to sleep here!!" I hear a prisoner Scream at me from the other end of the Jail... Prison....Thing.

I shut up and sat down on my cot then sighed. I look around my cell. It smells off, a muggy disgusting smell. I'm sitting on a Brown stained mattress with a small off smelling Green blanket with rips and holes in it. My face wrinkled into disgust at the sight of vomit in the corner of my cell. 'Oh, my. How am I getting out of here?' I think to myself. I sigh again. My tail wraps around my legs, that i'm hugging to my chest, my ears droop and my face turns to a bored looking face. 'I wonder where uni is and how is he holding up...' I think to myself. I lay down on the off smelling mattress and listened to the cries and screams of the other prisoners. I can hear people talking in the room next to my cell, since i'm next to the exit and that i can cat ears i can hear them, it sounds like 2 men and a robot man?? I don't really care right now. I just want to get out of here. Please someone get me soon....


"We need her over here!"

"No, we need her over here"



"Here, ok max, Right HERE"

Who are those two people and why are they what are they fighting about?





Ok so its 2 men, sky.... And...... max.......Wait.....The sky and max the famous bounty hunters?? Please not them




"FINE TH...........

"WOULD YOU BOTH SHUT UP, I'M TRYING TO SLEEP HERE" i shout with my eyes still closed. I really want them to shut up. I probably just signed my death wish by shouting at them but if i'm going to die in my sleep i want it in silence!!

"AHH" i hear the two men shout, i smile slightly, they are scared, but my smile disappeared as soon as it appeared.

"Hey little miss deathwish, a little warning next time you decide to speak" I hear 'Max' Talking.

"oh so like warn you by talking that i'm taking??" I bite back, I open my eyes and I'm in a room, on the floor, in some kind of baby blue Sun dress that reaches just above my knees and dark blue flats. I look around to see where 'Max' and 'Sky' is. I can't see them, even with my advanced eye sight I can't see them in the dark that surrounds me. The only light that shines is a single bulb above me that gives off a tiny light. Just enough to see myself, like a spot light.

"You really have a death wish, Don't you deary?" I hear 'Max' saying.

"Where's your buddy, Sky, max?" I ask max,

"Oh so you have heard of us, the famous bounty hunters of the waste land" Max gloates. I just laugh.

"Yea I heard of you but I wants shure it was you till you just said that. Thanks for that by the way." I say, I smirk. I hear max huff.

"You think that you're smart?"

" No, I just know how to survive"

"Ha, you call that surviving. You are just digging yourself a deeper hole. Do you have any idea that bounty on your head right now?" Max asks me, I can just hear him smirking through his words.

"No, I can guess its high since you are putting so much effort keeping me here, I purity shut since you haven't killed me yet my bounty is bigger if I'm alive?" I say to him, in all honesty I'm just stalling for time. Why? Well you'll find out soon.

"You are a smart one. You know, the boss doesn't care if you live or die, he just wants you. You are a pretty one, I can see why he chose you" Max says. I can hear disgust in his voice.


"Just wait. You will get what is coming for you" he says. I can hear him walking around the room. I smile

"And what is that exactly?"

"You have been helping the camera face man, what's his name??...Cory and his dog get in and out of all the situations they have been in since you teamed up with them. So just think, you have been in the way since the beginning, you are lucky that you are still alive" he say, I know he's trying to scare me. I just smile and laugh.

"Why are you laughing girl, are you crazy?" I hear him exclaim. I can hear that he stopped walking.

"Well, I'm just laughing Because you just gave away your plan to me without even realising"

"I have?"

"Yea, you kidnapped me to get to Cory. I'm guessing that you have been watching us for a while so you are up-to-date of our actions. You think that Cory will come looking for me since I have gone missing and that he will come and rescue me. In doing that you will capture him and give him to the person that put a bounty on cory's head. Also you are talking to me about all the things that you 'boss' Wouldn't do to would do just to scare me. And yes I am a little bit crazy but it has gotten me out of many pickles since I have entered the waste land."

"Huh?" he says, I can hear that he's confused. I laugh again.

"We are in a round tall room, you are standing next to the door. I know that you don't have a 'boss' in your group but you have some one, a stiff that keeps you in Iine and on task."

"Smart and observant"

"that I am"

Wolves And A Cat  ~K.U.C~  Book 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz