Chapter 8 ~ End Of The Beginning

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None would suspect us.... Quite as a mouse, hidden like dust in a wall... this 'greenplace' will fall, let's start with the one's Cory cares more about... we will go after 'kitty' as she calls herself then 2234A or 'Uni' as he calls himself. Should we go after 'uni's' Girlfriend... I heard that she is pregnant... yea... we will go after them... Cory will pay... he might not remember before the fallout but we do... 200 years of trying to find him... we found him and now... Cory... Will... Pay... and everyone else that tries to protect him......

Cory's Pov

We finally know what is happening between Uni and chloe. We are all excited for the new pups. It's been 2 weeks since Kitty and Uni have been back, Kitty and I's relationship has grown and we are now... a couple? Eli and Adam are a couple, terra and nick are a couple and Storm... she has been... off? Lately. She has been day dreaming ever since she found kitty at the gate, whatever she saw that night has obviously has been on her mind for a while. I look up from my journal and tuck it under my pillow as I hear the tent flap open.

"hey Cory" Kitty says as she sits on the cot opposite me. I smile

"hey Kitty, how have you been?" i ask her, she raises her eyebrow.

"You just asked me that about a hour ago" she laughs, i laugh with her.

"yeah, I did, it's just with everything not settling down, always a new adventure, it's hard to know when something has happened" I explain to her. She nods

"have you noticed storm acting weird?" she asks me, her face shows concern, she has always been worried about everyone, a born mother as they say.

" yeah I have, do you think it's about something she saw that night when you turned up at the gate??" she freezes, she hasn't told us what happened, neither has uni. She sighs.

" let's just hope it's not what I think it is..." She says as she looks down at her hands.

"What is it?" I ask her, we, no, I need to know who kidnapped her and Uni so we can find those bastards.

"If... If it's needed I will tell... I can not rat out the 2 who saved me and Uni... if it means ratting out... then one who wanted to kill us" She begins to fiddle with a bit of string on her wrist.

" when the time comes, you will tell us right?"

"yea" she looks at me and I pull her into a hug, she hugs back. She might look tough and strong but one little thing can make her world crumble down, even if it involves everyone in our group, our family.

"We are a family right??" she asks me, her voice is muffled by my shoulder.

"yea, we are. You, terra, Eli and Storm... even Chloe are sisters." I say. She leans back a bit and looks at me. She smiles.

"You, Adam, Nick and Uni are brothers... even Daniel and NightWalker i see them as brothers" she says and i smile and kiss her forehead.

"yeah, we are a family... a family that is growing" i say to her and she smiles more.


our moment gets interrupted by a loud bang. a Explosion as you might say. We duck down a bit when we heard it and one look at each other we rushed outside to see if everyone is alright. People, ghouls and others are running around trying to get away at what happened at one of the side gates, I see smoke rising up from it and I grab Kitty's arm before she can rush off.

"get everyone to safety and find Uni and Chloe ok" i say and i look into her eyes. She nods and kisses me. Then pulls away and turns and runs in the direction of the hospital tent. I watch Dr go and once she was out of sight I run over to the burning side gate, the west gate.

"what's happening?" I ask Daniel as I see him emerge from the black cloud that is covering the gate with fire.

"Someone launched a Rocket at it and it make the gate catch on fire. We need to get everyone in the bunker ok... it's under the warehouse." he says and starts helping people get inside since the warehouse is right next to the west gate. I nod and run over to the hospital tent to find nurses and doctors helping the injured get out. I look around to try and find Kitty, Uni and Chloe but they are nowhere to be found... I ask a few people if they have seen them and everyone I asked said no... it's like they disappeared...

Kitty's Pov


Sounds of motors running

The shaking feeling

I'm in a truck handcuffed blindfolded

help please

Wolves And A Cat  ~K.U.C~  Book 2Where stories live. Discover now