Chapter 12 ~ Secrets Revealed

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Ok so, after you read this comment what you think will happen next?? Also, i got some comments on the last chaper through pm's and coments about my language and content, just Rember that this is mature so if you dont like the language and content, well too bad. Anywaywhat were you thinking as you read this, start to finish... I love reading your comments and it means so much every vote and comment you do... thanks again
Lady_KittyCat........... OUT

I am frozen In shock, he runs over to me and unlocks the chains and helps me up,

"Are you ok?" he says, sounding worried, I shake my head slowly, he sighs.

"are you strong enough to run?" he asks, I nod and take a step, but I fall. He helps me him and picks me up bridal style. I yawn. Yea I'm tired, I'm too afraid to sleep not knowing if I am going to wake up again.

"you can sleep while i get up out of here" he says as he runs through a couple of doors and we run up a lot of stairs. I rest my head on his shoulder and my eyes threaten to close.

"sleep" he says as we enter the open waste land. The blinding sun forced me to close my eyes.

I'm asleep...


"Please wake up... cory can't go on much more without you"

"how long has she been out for?"

"About a mouth"

"Is Cory worried?"

"last time I radioed in Daniel Said that he wouldn't sleep"

"God, it must of been hard on him"

"It's been hard on them all, Always planning Rescue missions, never sleeping. I'm surprised they are still standing"

"do they know she's out?"

"No... I stoped their rescue attempt with a fake attack"

"... are you getting uni and Chole out?"

"No... let them do it"


"when do you think she will wake up"

"soon.... It's been a hard month for her"


My eyes feel heavy,

I can't breath well,

My breath is varied,

I hear footsteps and a beeping sound,

The air is musty so I must be underground,

I open my eyes to close it again by a blinding light right above me,

"Oh dear.... I..I..I'll turn is off" A voice says

The light vanishes and I open my eyes again and let it adjust to the semi-Darkness around me, i look over at the person who the voice belongs to and I find a yellow human?, yes, yellow.

" A...A...Are you alright?" she asks me.

I just stare

" o..o..oh... sorry... um as the bomb dropped I was at a convention d...d...dressed as my favioute character, I...I...I guess the face p...p...paint and the costume s...s...stayed and spread... Y...Y...Yeah I'm still alive but still ageing... like most who has m..m...mutation" she says.

I just stare, I can't bring my self to say anything right now.

" I..I..I'll just go and get NightWalker" she scurried away.

I look at my surroundings, my guess is correct, I'm underground, there are a few lights dangling barking fulling up all corners and curves with light. I'm on some type of hospital bed and I'm hooked up to a water

bag and a bloodbag, Im also hooked up to a heart moniter.

God, how long was I out. I try to stand but my head starts spinning causing me to sit back down.

I look over to the corridor she walked out of to find a figure standing there, in the darkness.

"hello?" I ask

"Hey" the figure Replys, NightWalker.

"Hey NightWalker.... How long was i out?"

"About a month"

"Is Cory here?"


"Does he know I'm here... Is anyone here?"

"No.. just me, Jace, Luna and Ray"

"Luna? Ray? Jace? who are they?"

"Jace is the woman who you just meet, Luna was a guards the night you were found, shes the one who found uni"

"wow, and Ray?"

"she's our info person for the enclave, what ever she find out she tells us"

"nice little operations you have here"

"Its something... I mean, with out men we work hard"

"men? Arn't you one?" I ask, I'm really confused. NightWalker laughs. And walks out into the light.

"Nope" he takes off his mask and pulls down his hood. His... no... her hair flows out and she flashes me a smile.

"My full names is Ashley Darkling and not even Daniel knows who I really am"

Wolves And A Cat  ~K.U.C~  Book 2Where stories live. Discover now