Chapter 14 ~ A figure...

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Uni's Pov

I don't know how long I have been here, how long we have been here. I have grown use to the man behind the desk moving us all the time. I don't know how long ago this happened but there was an explosion while we were being moved one day. When it happened the man, dropped the carrier I was in and put down carefully Chloe's carrier, ran toward where the explosion was.

Was it a rescue attempt?

I remember clawing at the cage door and try to reach the hook.

" Uni... it's no use" Chole said, it sounded like she has given up

"yes it is..." I said, I was trying to concentrate but Chloe was giving up hope

"Uni! stop, stop, it's no use, no one is coming for us... we aren't getting out of here" She sounded tired, probably Tired of all of this, she probably wants a normal life, I life I can't give her. I can never give her.

"Chloe, just please stop, I'm trying to get us out of here" i said and i look over at her cage, she looked back at me, her eyes soft with dry tears, tears i want to wipe away, her eyes no longer bright and full of joy, now they are full with sorrow and sadness.

"Uni, it's no use* She tried to reason with me

"Chloe! Just stop, I'm trying to get us out of here, I'm tired of listening to you give up, do me a favor and just shut up!" I feel really bad after I snapped at her, she just curled up into a ball in her cage and rests her head away from me.

"Chloe, I'm sorry"

"No, Uni, you're right, I have given up"

I sighed, after all of this... me and Chloe are disappearing for a few months, I want to get her away from all of this, or as far away from it that we can get.

Just as the hook lifted a tiny bit, down the hall came the dog person, I still can't remember his name.

"Fine then, carry the muts here and there, no no there and here" he said mumbling his impersonation of someone i guess. He picked up my cage and then picked up chloe's cage and started walking to our new location for the next, few days, weeks, months, who knows.

That was a month ago, right now... right now me and Chloe are kinda in a pickle, I very prickly pickle. That all happened with a figure shooting a couple of guards and then blowing up most of the building

"CHLOE COME ON!!" I say as I run through the vents. Chloe is a few meters behind me.

"UNI, YOU KNOW I CANT RUN FAST" she shouts back at me, its echos through the vents and right now, i think shouting was a bad idea.

"Hey, they are in the vent!" i hear a guard shout from below me.

"Uni.... Please tell me they don't mean us" Chloe asks me, she sounds really scared and cautions.

"ok" is all I say.


"What, I try not to lie" I says back to her as I slowly round a corner and then I stop suddenly. A huge drop is in front of us.

"Uni, why did you stop?" Chloe asked me as she walks around the corner.

"um, Chloe I think we either drop down here, turn around and find another way around, or..."

"No! We are not surrendering uni! I have not spent the past hour trying to escape for nothing!"

"Fine, fine. We will find another way"

"Nope, see you down there" She says as she pushes me off and into the darkness of the vents.

I scream as I fall, the metal vent curves up and it becomes a slide, after a few short seconds the ride falls short as I crash into trash and muck.

"eww, I say and I slowly but quickly bound out of it. "yuck, yuck, yuck!"

I hear laughing and I turn around to see Chloe standing there laughing.

"oh, ha, ha" I mock as I shake my fur out, " how did you get down here so quickly?" I ask her. She raises a paw to point to a small opening in the wall.

"there. There was a small opening in the vent and i crawled through it right after i pushed you. The opening opened into a slide type thing and I slid all the way down her. I stoped before I fell out and I just jumped down from there just after you fell out and into the trash, which was really funny might I ask" she explains, trying to hold back another laugh.

I give her a soft glare.

"aww, but you look adorable cover in trash" she says as she turns to walk away, i run after her and carfully nuge my body against her's.

"nice observing" I say and I give her a wolf like smile. She returns the smile.

"well I learnt from the best" she says

"me?" i ask proudly.

"Nope, kitty" she says. I pout, well then, there goes all my confidence.

When she sees my face she laughs.

"aww, did I hurt your feelings" she mocks me. I just pouts and that makes her laugh more. I finally give up and laugh along side her. I can't stay the most little bit mad at her.

As we walk off into the ruins of a city. I see a shadow, jump from roof to roof and hid again.

"Chloe, stay close" I say as I see another shadow in a ruined allyway. I hear Chloe wimper a bit as her fur brushes mine. I growl as I see a figure jump in front of us, about 5 meters away. I growl and move protectly in front of Chloe.

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