21. That's The Surprise

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Waking up was one of the hardest things that I think I ever had to do but the smell that was circulating throughout this house was delicious.

I opened my eyes and was reminded that I was lying in Jace's bed... with him in it... and his arm dangling from around my waist.

Looking at the clock that rested on the side of his table, it was still pretty early.


Yawning, I stretched out my sleeping body.

"Morning gorgeous" Jace said leaving a tingling on the back of my neck.

"Morning" I said glad that I wasn't facing him.

I needed to brush my teeth.

"I hope you slept well".

He had no idea. "Yeah. I could just lay here all day" I said.

"I could lay here all day with you' he said kissing my shoulder through his blue shirt.

"I could lay with you all day too but I think I should brush my teeth first" I said.

He began laughing and removed his warm arms from around me. "You go get on that. Don't wanna hold you up".

Walking down the hallway, one of the many doors flew open and I was met with Claire.

"Don't get to comfortable" she mumbled before heading downstairs.

What the hell was this girl's deal?

Walking into the bathroom, I grabbed a fresh toothbrush from the linen closet and went away at my teeth.

I couldn't help but smile at my reflection this morning.

Looking at myself, I could see how happy I was and I loved it.

There was a knock on the bathroom door.

"They made a huge breakfast and they want us down. I'll wait for you" Jace said.

"Okay" I said back, speeding up the process.

After fixing my ponytail and giving myself a quick smile, I opened the door to a waiting Jace.

He smiled and reached for my hand. "You are so gorgeous".

Putting my head down, I could feel my cheeks flaming.

"Don't hide it" he said lifting my chin with his free hand and pecking me on the lips.

We made our way downstairs and into the dining room where me and Essence were sitting with Mrs. Spear only a few hours ago.

Seeing all these people seated, it looked nothing like it did last night.

As we made our way to our seats, I was getting nods and smiles from the pack members. They were making me feel more and more welcomed.

Except for Claire of course.

I was pretty surprised to get a smile from Megan. She was Claire's sidekick after all.

We took a seat next to each other and across from Essence and Peter.

Essence gave me a smile and I knew that we were having a silent conversation with one another.

Both of us were glad that we had decided to sleep in our mate's bed last night.

"Good morning Spencer" Mr. Spear said smiling from the head of the table.

"Morning" I said as all eyes were focused on me.

They had to stop doing that all at once.

"How'd you sleep?" Mrs. Spear asked.

Looking over at Jace, I blushed and he rubbed my hand.

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