26. The Right Way

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I woke up in my bed in pain.

My bedside light was the only light shining in the darkness of my room.

My head was throbbing and my eyes ached.

Everything just felt so weird... and wrong.

There was a cup of water, two aspirin and a note for me on the bedside table.

Picking up the note, I noticed it was from Essence.

- I went home to get some clothes and I will be back ASAP! Love you

Dropping the note back down, I took the aspirin. It was needed.

It had been a long day and I felt like I had been sleeping forever.

My parents had left to New York for the museum and wouldn't be back until Sunday and I was grateful for that.

I didn't want them to see me like this.

Heading into the bathroom, I almost screamed when I saw my reflection.

My hair was sloppy, my eyes were bloodshot red, I was pale and I had bags under my eyes.

I looked sick.

Taking a wash cloth, I soaked it under hot water and washed my face. It didn't do much but my color returned.

I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste and began brushing my teeth. I felt so out of it and not myself.

After deciding that I looked better, I went back to my room.

Getting back under the covers, I looked up at the ceiling.

Who was I anymore? I did not like this person.

When did I become so depressing?


I sat up as I heard the noise from downstairs.

What the hell was that?

Removing the covers from my body, I jumped out of my bed.


Essence wasn't here and my parents are gone so what the heck was that noise?

Slowly opening my door, I looked into the dark hallway and made my way over to the staircase.

As quietly as I could, I began stepping down the stairs.

"Shit" someone whispered.

I froze in the middle of the stair well.

That voice sounded very familiar.

"Jace?" I said surprised by my soft and shaky voice.

If he were human, there would be no possible way he could hear me. His wolf could hear an ant scratch itself.

His shadow emerged from the kitchen and he paused at the bottom of the stairwell. We could not see each other in the darkness but the look we shared was intense like it always was.

Did I want to see him?

The electric charge began as he slowly walked up the steps.

Tears began sliding down my cheek.

I promised myself that I wouldn't cry.

I knew that we were going to have to talk but I didn't know that it was going to be this soon.

Jace did these things to me and I still needed him. He was in my life now and there was no way I could live without him.

As much as it hurt, I was completely in love with him.

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