25. Confused Minds

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After two weeks of freedom, it was time to go back.

But it was a new year and I was excited.

Today I planned on getting Jace back.

“You have this look of determination on your face that I love right now” Essence said laughing as she leaned on the locker next to me.

“I am very determined today” I said laughing right along with her.

“Let me add that you look pretty smoking too” she said winking.

I wore a pair of tight light blue skinny jeans, a white shirt, a green anorak jacket, a pair of black riding boots with my hair in its naturally wavy do

“Thanks Ess. I feel so confident it’s not even funny” I said. “And remember not to say anything to Peter!”

She pulled an imaginary zipper across her lips. “My lips are sealed”.

The warning bell rang and I knew I had to get to first period. My teacher was pretty cranky.

“I’ll see you at lunch” I told her before we split into opposite directions of the school.

I really wished we had class together.

I didn’t have lunch until after fourth period and I felt like I was dying.

I felt like the day was dragging on purpose to torture me.

Jace usually came up to my locker before classes started and made it impossible to not bump into him but not today.

I had not seen him at all.

Not even Taylor or Peter.

I really hoped they were in school so that my plan would be a success.

Pulling out my phone, I sent Essence a quick text.

Do you know if they’re in school?

She replied quickly.


Yeah, I saw all three of them before 3rd.

I felt a little envious that she saw them already and I didn’t. It made me feel like they were avoiding me.

Once in fourth period, I couldn’t for the life of me pay attention to what the teacher was saying. I just wanted to get to lunch so that I could see Jace and tell him how I felt.

Once the bell rang, I was the first one out of there and to my locker.

“I have been waiting for this!” Essence said excitedly.

After closing my locker, we headed into the cafeteria to the lunch line.

“Yeah it’s a new year but packing lunch still seems like a good idea” she said as we wrinkled our faces at the food.

“It will never change” I said shaking my head.

“I swear they hate us. This is probably worse than prison” she said grabbing a slice of pizza.

“Or maybe equally as bad” I said grabbing my usual slice of pizza, an apple, and a juice box.

As we headed to our regular table, I sat down and took a deep breath.

I was starting to get a little nervous.

 We were pretty early to the cafeteria as people started making their way in and it began to get louder.

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