SNEAK PEEK: Playing With The Pack

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Playing With The Pack

    Chapter 1: Happy Birthday Spencer

“My shoes! WHERE THE HECK ARE MY SHOES?” I screamed.

"Spence, calm down. They’re right there” my best friend, Essence, said pointing to my open closet that exposed my many pairs of shoes lined up.

She looked pretty amused at my episode.

"How are you so calm right now?” I asked her.

“Well finding a pair of shoes this morning wasn’t that difficult” she joked.

I rolled my eyes and smiled at her. “Your sarcasm is not appreciated Ess”.

“Spencer just calm down. It is your birthday and I know how nervous you are right now because I am too. Trust me” Essence said getting up from my bed and putting her hands on both sides of my shoulders. “I’m just trying to keep calm and it’s working for me. You need to do the same or I will be forced to slap you”.

“It’s been four months” I said in a much calmer tone. “I miss him and I don’t even know why I’m so nervous right now”.

“It’s because for four months we have been without our mates in this big ol’ pack house and as much as we love each other, you are not Peter and I am not Jace” she said as we laughed. “Of course you’re going to miss him and of course you’re going to be nervous but you are going to go insane if you do not relax”

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes. “You’re right”.

“Now go find a sexy pair of heels and finish getting ready so your birthday festivities can began” she said clapping her hands together before pushing me into my bathroom.

Or should I say me and Jace’s.

June twenty-third.

Today was my twentieth birthday and it was also the day that Jace would be returning home after four long and miserable months.

More so long than miserable but I don’t know how I managed.

Jace, Peter, Taylor, and many of the other guys from the pack had to make a trip to Europe to handle some business with the three other pack Alpha’s that he made an alliance with.

We barely texted, Face Time was depressing, and talking on the phone could get confusing due to the time difference.

What I needed was him physically and I was just happy that he was finally coming home.



A/N: This is the sneak peek. Cant wait for the real story. It's about to get real up in the Dark woods pack. lol. Bye guys and i hope you've enjoyed PWTA!!!!! <3

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