Chapter 19

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Chapter Nineteen

Emilia's POV

Vivian was nice enough to help me by holding up my hair and rubbing my back. It was starting and soon I would start showing, but how was I to tell Christian when he hated me.

"You alright honey?"

I nodded and rinsed, letting out a breath.

"Yeah, thank you."

"Did you tell him like you told me you were?"

I shook my head not daring to look at her. I wanted to cry and tell her what happened, but I couldn't.

"I swear I'm going to kill him, he was with her last night again wasn't he?"

My head snapped up to look at her.


"My husband could be an angry man, but he's faithful and knows when to draw the line."

"You're a lucky woman."

"And so can you if you know how to treat him good."

My heart dropped because she was right, if I hadn't been such a whore maybe things would be different. I nodded and sighed.

"I'll tell him tonight."

"How about now?"

I shook my head.

"No, he'll just freak out and won't let me do anything today and I'm tired of staying in."

"Then when?"

"When I'm ready."

She looked at me for a bit then nodded.

"Alright, but you can't keep this long."

I nodded and smiled.

"Thank you."

As we walked into the dining room, both Christian and Mike were waiting for us as they spoke about business.

"We're back."

Christian didn't look at me and I wouldn't blame him, I wouldn't look at me either.

After breakfast and a walk around our wedding venue with more wedding stuff, more guests were starting to arrive.

"Here take this."

I was given water and a fan.

"Thank you."

I greeted more guests until we were all seated for Lunch at the hotel, before the activities of the day were to begin, but I wasn't feeling so well.

I wanted to crying, Christian was ignoring me at every turn and everything, the heat, the people were all making me sick.

"You look green."

"I need air."

"Come on."

She didn't even excuse us and took my hand until we were outside and I vomited my breakfast into a bush.

"Ewe gross."

I couldn't help, but laugh.


"She's fine Mia, can you bring her some lemon and mouth wash?"

"Right away."

She ran off while I stood up and breathed some air.

"I think you should go back to bed and stay there until the wedding."

"No, I just have to figure out how to keep my food down."

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