Chapter 5

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Katheryn's POV

She was my Mom. Wow. I can't. Okay. Crap. What do I say? All I did was hug her, I couldn't help it. She returned the hug and we stayed there for about 5 mins.

"I'm so sorry Babe"

"Shh It's okay" I tell her

"No, it's not I'm a horrible person" she cried

"No your not Katy! I understand. I mean look at you, your here now aren't you?" I cooed

"I'm so sorry" I pulled away from the hug and looked her in eyes and held her hands in mine.

"No, Katy don't say sorry again. You're here now and you were willing to pay for the surgery"

"I promise I will look after you If you come back with me" she said whilst drying her tears with a tissue.

"And I do want to come back with you" her eyes lit up.

"Re-really y-you want to come back with m-me?"

"Yes Katy, I do"

"Oh, alright. do you need anything from home?"

"nope" I honesty had nothing there, my two outfits that still fit me were kept here.

"Okay, we just need to sign the papers, the nurse told me she had some, that's what we were talking about before"

"are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes, I promise"

So we went and signed the papers and handed them In. I now belong to Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson. hmm that's confusing. will I have to change my name. I didn't mind! I have lots of names I like, for example Bella, Rose, Elise, Molly, Gemma! all of these names!


"yes baby?"

"Well you know, we kinda have the same name!" I said quietly.

"Yes you're mother wanted to name you after me but not exactally.She didn't know that my real name was Katheryn! and she loved the name, she couldn't bare to rename you and I couldn't bare to tell her."

"I'm sorry about that"

"No babe, don't be sorry!"

"Do I have to change my name?"

"Well, I was thinking. We could Give you a nick name?"

"yeah" I said, we were both thinking of names.

"Katy, I know you are trying to help but they come naturally. We can't just think of a name"

"True, How about we just call you Katheryn even though you like Katy, and I'll be Katy just because I only get called Katheryn when I'm in trouble" Katy said that and It made sense.

I just laughed and said okay

"And then when we find a name I'll be called that?"


After katy said that, I suddenly got a rush of excitement! we were planning my name. And soon I will live with her, In her big white mansion. Together. I will be living with my birth mom. Who just happens to be a world world wide pop star.

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