Chapter 8

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Katheryns POV

John has to go on tour for work. He will be gone for 3 Months. I know he loves me and stuff, but I'm not sure I love him yet. I know I love Katy and it's not in a fan way. It's in a mother/daughter way. And John being gone might be a good thing because I can spend time with my mom. Alone. Just her and me. I was actually really excited.

"Jr?" (that's my name I called called around the house)

"yeah?" I heard her come up the stairs.

"hey" Katy said this so casually.


"Whatcha dooooin??"

"Just watching mooooovies"

"Let's go out. For lunch, just us since John is gone" I was hoping she would suggest this.

"Sounds good" She just stayed there and watched me for a while.

"Katy?" Her cheeks turned red.

"Oh sorry babe, meet you down stairs in ten!"

I got dressed in the clothes katy and I bought. I wore a simple white singlet, Brown leather jacket, light blue skinny jeans and my black Converse shoes. I walked down stars and katy was pretty much matching, she had a white tee-shirt on a black leather jacket, dark blue skinny jeans and her black Converse shoes.

"I'm sorry babe"

"what for?" I seriously had no idea why she was sorry.

"John was going to take us out he got called in early"

I acted depressed and gave her a hug.

"It's okay I understand"

"Ready to eat? I'm starving!" Katy was really excited to take me out and I wasn't sure why.


We got in her spare car that was better to drive two people and headed to the little restaurant down the road. There were heaps of paparazzi there already. How did they know?

"Shit" as soon as katy said this she put her hand over her mouth. "sorry babe I just panicked"

"It's okay katy, I don't expect you change your ways in like 2 days"

"Thanks babe, that rhymed!"

"Haha yeahhhh"

"Sorry that was weird, oh well here take these" she took her sunglasses of her head and gave them to me. She was so caring.

"you sure ?"

"I don't want the flashes to hurt your eyes"

"awwww" I put. my hand on my heart and made that face you make when something's really cute.

"Shut up! don't get all cutesy on me it makes me want to squish your cute little face"

"fineeee" we both laughed.

"You ready?"


"Okay babe listen to me , they will touch you and push you and call out things, I want you ignore them and don't leave me. Burry your face in my jacket and stay close to me! got it?" she really cared about me and I could tell she was worried, to be honest I was scared and i just wanted to stay in the car but I just put on a brave face and said "Yep!"

Katy got out of the car and came straight to my side, she put her arm around my shoulder and held me tight. I hid my face in her jacket and held tightly to waist. She was right they did call out things and touch us but I felt safe in her arms. She just kept walking and didn't pay any attention to them. When were finally in the restaurant she rushed inside and picked the table at the back with no window near it.

"You okay Hun?"

"Yeah you protected me"

"I tried "

I was looking at katy and she was looking around the room. Then she got worried.

"Babe, do you know russell?"

"The jerk?" I say, I knew it Russell Brand, her ex husband.

"Yeah him, Well he is here" My heart stopped as she said that. All she did was move closer to me and whisper in my ear.

"he will come up to us but I don't want to leave because of some di-poopy person, just don't say anything and I'll deal with him" I nodded and smiled at her. She was right, he came up to us and smiled.

*Katys POV*

I just protected Jr from the paparazzi and now I have to protect her from my stupid ex! I could tell she was worried as he was approaching us.

"Ello katy, who's this ?" even his voice made me want to puke!!!

"Her name is Katheryn, she is my second cousin and she doesn't want to talk to you!" I say sternly! second cousin?? where did that come from!

"Hello sweetheart I'm Russell" he put out his hand but she just grabbed me and hid in my jacket.

"told you!"

"I don't see John anywhere katy? you two Having problems?" He went and sat opposite us. That's it, he had done it, I was ready to punch him! but I didn't all I did was tell him the truth.

"No we are in love and happy. He is on tour actually, and I stayed here so I can look after Katheryn because I love her and John, Russ , her and John not you!." then Jr jumped on my lap and whispered in my ear.

"Katy he's scaring me
, I don't like him" she hugged me tightly, I love her so much and I hated to see her this way. I just stood up with Jr still in my arms. And went up to the register to pay.

"Bye Russell" I didn't want to say good bye, because he wasn't good and didn't deserve to be good!

I put the money on the counter and thanked the staff. Now I had to face the dreadful people outside, the paparazzi. I held Jr tighter and she did the same. I pulled her hood down and she had her head in my neck. I walked straight to my car and put Jr in her seat and then got in my side. They were everywhere. Blocking my cars exit.

"Sorry babe, block your ears" I said to Jr and she did it. I just put my hand on the car horn and didn't let go until they moved. I wanted them to know I was angry. And I also wanted Russ to know that I can handle them alone. Eventually they moved and we drove back home with no more hassles.

"Thanks mom, I love you" Was I correct? did she just say mom? Not katy? and she said she loved me.

"you welcome baby, I love you too"

"Sorry I called you mom"

"Don't be silly I loved it!" and I wasn't lying I really did love it.

"So I can call you mom?"

"You can call whatever you want princess" she smiled and then hugged me. This was a perfect moment, and it made me forget about all the crap that just happened.



"I don't know if I want to call John dad yet?" Then she bursted into tears.

"Hey babe, shhh it's okay, it took me a while to get use to him aswell. You know I only said I love you to him a few weeks ago. And that was the first time in 4 months since we last broke up."



She kept crying on my shoulder I carried her in and put her on the couch while I went and got some tissues. It's sad she doesn't like John.I hope she gets use to him, or else we might have to separate. If we do, she is worth it. I love her and she is my life. I won't let her go again. Ever.

Katheryns POV

I don't know if I will ever get use to John, But I will pretend for my mom. I love her and she is my new life. I want to stay with her forever. And ever.

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