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Jr's POV

You know when your best friend goes on holiday? And while they are gone you text each other saying how much you miss each other. I think the word 'miss' is overused. I have never felt this feeling I have been feeling for the last 4 days. I feel like there is am empty hole in my heart, I feel
like all that I ever cared about has been ripped out of me and shredded through a paper shredder. This what it feels like, to truly miss someone.

You know that saying 'You don't now what you've got till' it's gone' ? yeah it couldn't be more accurate.

It has been 4 days without Katy. I like with a family Of three (Mum, dad, 19 year old girl).

Kara and Dave couldn't be more strict. No Phones, no iPods, no tv just homework and 'Outside Fun Days'.Oh and reading of course. I'm in Australia, like 12 hours away from katy. I can't contact her because I don't have my phone anymore or anything with wifi!! I don't even now what's happening in her life. Which is crazy weird because we both use to know everything about each other. I always knew what she was doing and she always knew what I was doing.

I have been going to school for three days and I'm already known as 'The new adopted girl with a messed up arm'

Everyone says I sound funny, but to me they are the funny sounding ones. I was expecting that they would be welcoming but I never got one 'G'day Mate!', just weird stares.

It's a Sunday so I decided I would go for a walk, not like I can do anything else!

I grabbed the black coat I have been wearing nonstop because Katy gave it to me and it still smells like her.

"Katheryn! Where do you think your going?" Kara's pushy voice beamed through my ears


"Be back by 5pm sharp!"

"Yeah whatever"

Katys POV

"Yes Bradford"



"I know I know it's been hard lately"



"Will do"


I hang up my phone throw it to the other side of my bed.

I Leave for Sydney in a few days and to be honest I can't be bothered. I have no idea where my own child is and she never answers her phone or anything. It's kinda like we never found each other. she is probably off having fun with her new friends. While I'm at home, alone in bed, depressed.

Jr's POV ~Next day~

"OMG guys Katy Perry is coming to us! like really close. At the studios down the road" I heard one girl say to another as I walk down the long grey halls of my school. I have to see her. I have to. I am going to wether my 'parents' say so or not.

As soon as the bell went I ran to local shops. As I walked into a computer shop I saw hundreds of different laptops and iPads and all that stuff but I just went for the first one I see. I google 'Katy Perry'

It shows her tweets saying that she will be coming to the studio about an hour from where I live. I leave the shop before an employee sees me. As I run home I think about how I will see her, what I will do if run into her. Will she want to see me? or am I out of her life now? So many thoughts and questions are going through my head right now it's hard to concentrate.

As I walk through through the door Kara yells out to me.

"Im making devilled eggs. Wants some?"

I continue to walk and when I reach the kitchen I see Kara in a white apron making something that seems familiar.

"What?" I ask.

"You know devilled eggs? they are like eggs with curry in them?"

"Ohhh yeah. Katy calls them angel eggs." Just mentioning her name hurts me.


"N-no" I whimper.



"She was a bad example for you!"

"You don't even care about me! You are just jealous because I will NEVER love you as much I love Katy. SHES MY MOM KARA, NOT YOU!"

"She never loved you" Kara scowled.

"Yes she did, you weren't there to experience anything! I have only known you for like four days and I already HATE you! I'm going to my room and I don't want your stupid eggs anyway!"

I run to my room and climb out of my window. Katy is coming to Sydney tomorrow. She is going to be on a breakfast show that is filmed near where I live. I need to get away so I just run to the studio and plan to camp out. There are already some Katycats with tents ready to stay the night so they can see Katy. One approaches me.

"You here for Katy?" she exclaims.

"Umm yeah I guess?" Right now I am just praying she won't notice me. I do look sorta different plus I have my hoodie on and sunglasses.

"Don't you just love her?"

"More then you think" I sigh.

"OMG! same she is like my life!" Okay she is starting to get on my nerves.

"Hmm yeah"

"OH MY GOSH! do you ship Jaty?"

"No! I hate the man!"

"Oh I think he's super hot! plus he makes my Katy happy so I just love them! They are my OTP!"

"Well if you didn't know they broke up. And what's an OTP?" This chick is so confusing.

"Oh, It's one true pairing. Like you just love them together so much you like die!"

"That's nice."

"Yeah it totally is! I'm Brooklyn BTW"

"Elise" I lie, I don't wanna tell her my real name! No way,

"Hey, you don't have a tent? wanna stay with me?!?"

"Yeah sure?"

"OMG this will be the best!!"

As I get comfortable in the tent. I think about tomorrow. I hope I get to see katy, But what will I do if I see her? what will she do? I can only hope she will notice me.

the show// katy perryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin