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Jr's POV

As I was getting the pizza out of the oven Kitty Purry came and brushed against my legs, I lost control and dropped the try, as I was trying to catch it, my lower arm touched the side and left a huge burn. sharp pain ran though my arm and then I looked and saw A huge burn mark that was bleeding and looked really disgusting. I screamed in pain, normally Katy would of come but she was probably to busy talked to John.

It hurt so much more then anything I have experienced. I stood up to run it under cold water but it didn't help I leaned against the kitchen counter and sunk to the ground.

"Mom! mom ! help me!" I called her it was getting to much. Hot tears streamed down my face and one landed on my arm and I bit my tongue to hold in the pain.

Katys POV

Lately I have been talking to John more and he made remember all the fun things I did before I had Jr with me, And he was right I did have more fun. So at the moment I'm making Jr hate me so she won't mind when I start to go out more and bring John here more. I mean I love and all but he has a point.

"ugh One second baby Jr's calling"

I dropped my phone on my bed, I didn't hang up because I will be back soon after I yell at Jr for disturbing me.

"What do you wa" I saw Jr on the kitchen floor crying hysterically. I saw her cradling her arm and I walked up to her. She was probably over reacting.

"What's wrong?"

"My my my arm"

"What is it like sprained or something?'

"No I"

"Your telling me you interrupted my conversation with John and it's not even sprained" I can't believe her!

"No! just come look! I was trying to be nice and I made YOU pizza and this happened because YOUR cat rubbed against me cause she was hungry because YOU haven't fed her!"

I look around the corner and I see the huge burn mark on Jr's little arm. A rush of guilt swepted over me and I rushed to her.

"OMG baby are you okay"

"Yes Katy I'm great! And don't call me baby! call John baby"

Well she wasn't going to let this one slide.

"Alright whatever no hug, I guess we better take you to the hospital"

I Gave her my hand to help her up but she didn't take it and used the bench instead.

Oh Katy you have really messed this time haven't you?


Why did I let John do this to me, I was totally caught up in being 21 again I forgot that I'm 29 and

have a CHILD who I need to look after and who I love!

I'm not a California Gurl living a Teenage Dream! I'm just A mom who should be there for my own daughter!

I slapped my self on the cheek and got my keys my wallet and my phone. I hung up on John and put a jacket on.

I also grabbed A jacket for Jr that I placed over her shoulders without hurting her arm.

We go out to car and I drove her to the hospital In silence, only her crying can be heard.

It was getting worse and so was the horrible feeling of guilt in my stomache.

*After Jr was treated*

"Ma'am can I please have a word with you?"

"Yeah sure"

"When were treating your daughter she was telling us how it happened"

"Yeah, Where are you going with this?"

"Well, she explained how you haven't fed her in three days and how you don't speak to her but only in rude ways. She only just recovered from cancer a few months ago and she had run out of tablets and you didn't replace them"

It hit me, I was trying to get Jr to hate me. But I didn't realise it was bad for her health and I was being a horrible mom.

I fell onto my knees and was balling my eyes out. So much emotion swept over me and I was now no longer only feeling guilt. I was feeling Anger towards myself, Sadness for Jr because I'm being such a shitty mom, I feel depressed, worried, sick, embarrassed and guilty all in one.

I felt horrible.

I also had ALOT of anger towards John, Ne made me think like this, he distracted me, it was his idea for me to get Jr to hate me. All because HE wanted me for HIMSELF.

"I'm sorry but we have to take your daughter away from you"



sorry guys, it's really short but I realised I hadn't updated in days so I thought I would just give you like. mini update. and I'll do a proper update VERY soon, Maybe even today!!

Don't get your hopes up tho.


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