chapter 7

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Katheryns POV

wow. Katy must have put a lot of effort into my room, I could tell when she bursted Into tears when I opened the door. I was honestly astounded, It was for a baby and she said tomorrow we can go shopping and I'll chose a bed then, but for now I'm going to sleep on the couch. Well one of them. He's has about 10.

I sat on the chair in the corner of my room and befor I knew it I was out, completely asleep. I guess I don't need dinner. We had a late lunch anyways and it was massive.

Katys POV.

She fell asleep on the chair that John and I picked for her room. I just stared at her. She was so beautiful and I loved her to bits already.

Then I felt hands snake around my waist. It was John. He stood hugging me from behind and we both just stared.

"she so beautiful" I whispered.

"just like you" That was so cheesy but it gave me butterfly's.

"thanks baby" then he went over to her and carried her to the couch in the main living room. I told him I was going to lay with her for a bit and that I wasn't hungry. He said he would be in the bedroom watching tv.

I laid my arms around her. She rested her head on the inside of my arm and was deep in sleep. I sang to her quietly and then I fell asleep with her.

*Johns POV*

I woke up and Katy and Katheryn were laying there together on the couch, they both looked so beautiful. Katheryn was a mini Katy. like a Junior version. Jr!! I could call her that. I'll see if she likes it when she wakes up. Then I see katy open her eyes, they met mine and she smiled. I came up to her and kissed her on the forehead. I went Into the kitchen and put the kettle on. just then I heard katy talking to Katheryn.


"Yeah babe, it's me" They were so cute

"Oh hi"

"how did you sleep baby?"

"really good thanks, you make a nice pillow" she winked at Katy.

"Honey!!" I heard her call for me and I came straight away.

"Morning Princess" I said to Katheryn

"Morning John" she said while hugging me. I wonder if I will ever get called dad.

"would you like a hot chocolate? I'm making katy a coffee!"

"Umm yes please" then I went back to the kitchen and made the drinks. I think I'm going to take them out today? yes! I will, we can go out for lunch. But what about paps? we will have to say she is my niece or something. I wonder when Katy will be ready to tell everyone? If she ever will.

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