Chapter 9

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Johns POV

I woke up and I felt horrible because I missed Katy and Jr so much, it's hurting. I love them heaps and I had to see them. I booked a flight to come down and see them tomorrow. I wanna surprise them so I haven't told katy yet. I do a show every night except Sunday nights. Its hard to get through it but it is my career and I have to do it. I was starting to worry about them because Katy hasn't texted me yet. Maybe she was busy.

I turned on the TV to get my mind off things but it made it worse. I was flicking through the channels and I came across a news channel that had a picture of Katy and Jr at the restaurant down the road. This made me miss them even more, Then I saw the jerk opposite them, the one who made my katy think of committing suicide the one who texted my katy divorcing her.Russell Brand. Why was he there, and more importantly why was her there with my girls. I had it with him and I was ready to throw my remote at the TV then it changed images. It changed to one of Katy carrying Jr through all the paps to her car and leaving. This made me feel better, I knew katy wouldn't do that to me. Would she?

Katy's POV

I woke up and put the TV on. I saw this news channel with a picture from yesterday. It was takin when Russell rudely sat with us when we didn't invite him to. It made me want to puke! Then something even worse happened. The girl said that we were back together! EW NO WAY!!! This man was the LAST person I would get together with. I was so angry I threw the remote at the TV.


"Morning baby"

"Are you okay?"


"No your not, don't lie!" I could tell when she is lying, looks like she knows too.

"Okay I'm not fine" I don't know why but I started crying, Jr dropped her teddy and ran up to me. She hugged me while I cried Into her hair.

"what's wrong?"

"I just really hate Russell" I kind of lied there too, but to be honest I didn't even know why myself.

"I know you do, but what else?"

"Lies, The press said that Russell and I were back together"

"I know you are upset, but you said it your self, lies. They just want someone to pick on and they have chosen you. It's okay you have me, always" Sometimes I forget she is only 9. What she just said was true.

"Why are you so smart?" I seriously wondered.

"Well, I must get it from you! it couldn't be from John" Why not John he is smart and he is her dad,

"Why not John babe?"

"No reason...... I'm hungry! I'm gonna go get some cereal" I could tell she was lying. But I knew she probably doesn't want to talk about it right now. I wonder what she has against John? She barely even knows him. She has been asleep for most of the time he is around.I bet she doesn't know that he carried her when she was sleeping or that he went and got something for dinner for her, Normally we would just eat toast on a night like that. We were talking the night her mother died and he told me he would be the best dad ever. And to be honest, I think he was doing a pretty good job.

"MOM MOM MOM!" I heard the panic in her voice and I came rushing into the kitchen. She was just standing there.

"what's wrong baby are you okay?"

"No I'm not okay!"

"What is it, do I call an ambulance?"

"No it won't help!"

"Baby I'm worried. What's wrong"

"WE ARE OUT OF MILK!" The little diva! Normally John would go get it... I guess we will have to.

"Sorry babe. Normally John gets it"

"Well he isn't here is he?!" I heard the anger in her voice.

"Don't be too mad sweetie, it's his job. And soon we will have to go on tour for Prism."

"Yeah, We" Maybe this was why she didn't like him. "don't worry mom, I'll just have toast"

"Don't trick me babe, you hate toast" She tried to stay serious but a smile was trying to escape. I went up to her and started tickling her so she would smile. I Hated seeing her angry.

"MOM!" she laughed. "STOP IT" after about five minutes of us being silly I just walked to the door and said.

"Do you want milk or not?"

"looking like that! have fun!" she giggled. She was right I looked like a mess.

"okay one sec"

"Beat you back!" We both ran upstairs to go get changed.

I was down the stairs first. I grabbed my keys, purse and two pairs of sunglasses.

"HA I wi- oh you win" Jr came running down the stairs.

"Yeah but I had an advantage, I'm cooler than you!"

"Hey!!!! that's not true!"

"Fineeeee, but I still win!"

"But you alwaaaaays get dressed! it's not fair"

"Awhhh want me to stop getting dressed?" I winked at her and she giggled. So we aren't your normal mother and daughter. But I loved our relationship. And I'm pretty sure Jr did too. We walked out the door and of course we were photographed my Paparazzi. It sucks that they know where I live. It's kinda creepy but I have a security gate and like triple locked doors. I know we are safe but I can't help but sneak into Jr's room at night just to check.

"we're here"

"mom, The paparazzi didn't really see my face did they?"

"Ummmm no, why?"

"Well coz, I can just run in and get the milk so there is no fuss" It made sense, but was I ready to let my little angel do that?

"Pleaseeee mommy?"

"Hmmm, okay but there and back! nothing else"

"Ughh yes I know!"

"Okay sweetie, be safe love you"

"Love you too bye" I like how she says I love you back now.It makes me feel loved.

Jr's POV

I walked in the shops with no fuss and I grabbed the milk. Then I saw that someone was following me and it wasn't The paparazzi. It was someone with a black mask on. He grabbed me and blocked my mouth. I struggled and screamed. Then he fell to the ground. Someone had knocked him out. And then I felt them pick me up. I was just free now in trapped again. All that was going through my head was Katy and how much I loved her. I couldn't be taken away. I didn't want anything else more then to be with her, In her house, with my mom.

the show// katy perryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin