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Katy's POV

it has been 3 weeks since Jr's surgery. She has recovered and we are leaving the hospital today. She is still angry for me seeing John again. I told him everything. It pains him knowing that his own daughter doesn't want to see him, but him being the amazing man he is is willing to try again. She is also mad at me for saving her when she tried to leave. She doesn't talk to me and I only see her when she is sleeping. I whisper things to her every night and I take pictures while she sleeps so I can look at them when she won't talk. I know it's weird but that's the only way I get to see her.

I am just sitting In a chair on the opposite side of the room scrolling through twitter.

"night katy"

"night" That's about all she says. It's the only time I hear her voice except when we have meetings with her doctor.

In the morning I pack all her things and get ready to leave.



We walk out of the hospital and get in the car, Jr sits in the passenger seat and looks out the window. I turn the radio in and it is one of Jason Derulo's new so be called 'Trumpets'

It was a nice catchy tune and I kinda likes it. Then the next lyric was.

"Is it weird that your Bra, Reminds me of a Katy Perry song"

We both cracked up laughing and I turned It off. We were laughing so hard I had to pull over. I missed hearing her laugh. It was so good to just be sitting inches away from her.

"I missed you mommy"

we were both crying from laughing too hard but a real tear escaped my eye.

"I missed you too baby" My voice cracked.

Jr quickly undid her seat belt and jumped on top of me, she put her arms around mu neck and rested her head on my chest while I hugged her tightly. We stayed like that for about 5 minutes.

"I love you so much mommy, I'm sorry for everything"

"Shhh sweetie, it's okay. I love you too"

She took in a deep breath and squeezed me one more time.

"We better go home?"

"Yeah probably"

That night we cuddled up on the couch watching movies and I told her about me not seeing John.


"Yes sweetie?"

"I don't want you to stop seeing John. You love him, I can tell. I was being silly. I guess I just wanted you hold me and stay with me........not him. I know he has been on tour and I will give him another try. For you."

"Babe, you don't have to do that"

"I know but I am"

"You're too cute. I love you kitten"

"Love you too mommy" We went back to watching the movie and she fell asleep on me. I don't mind though. I grabbed the blanket from behind the couch and put it over us.

The next day was a Sunday. I really want to take Jr out somewhere but where ever we go there are always paparazzi. I really want to tell the world she is my daughter. I heard a little groan come from Jr.

"Morning Babe"

"Morning" she smiled at me and crawled up closer and hugged me.

"How did you sleep?"

"Good, it was weird not hearing you whisper things to me before I sleep though"

"You heard me?"

"Sure did"

"Oh sorry baby"

"it's okay, I kinda liked it"

We cuddled in bed for a while. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I had to ask her.

"Hey I was thinking"

"Oh no"

"Hehe umm. We should tell the world"


"Well if you want to I mean you don't ha-"

She cut me off with a squeal and she hugged me so tight,

"I would LOVE that" She said emphasising the world love.

"Okay, if It's what you want,"

"It is!!!!!"

"Good, I'm glad. I hate hiding things from the katycats. I actually feel so bad"

"Umm how should we do it?"

"Umm well, we could do it on Ellen if you want, I'm going tomorrow. She wouldn't mind if you came to?" I suggested.

"Sounds good momma"

We got up and had breakfast and then we talked about how we would tell her. The plan was I come out first, tell Ellen, see what happens and of the result if good, Jr comes out.I must admit, we did practise. We used Jr's favourite teddy as Ellen and rehearsed it a few times. I called Ellen and asked if My second cousin could join me and she was fine with it. But she didn't know my "Second Cousin" is actually my daughter.

Shannon came over and watched Jr while I went to the studio, they didn't know that I was going to Johns studio and recording our duet. I was extremely excited, like pumped I haven't seen him in about 4 weeks but we have been texting and Skyping while Jr was out. I put on a half top and jean shorts and added a cute belt. I said good bye and went to record.

I saw him standing out the front with the most goofy, idiotic smile ever and flowers in his hands.

I didn't care how I look or who sees, I ran up to him and jumped into his his arms. He held my waist whilst my legs were around his, my arms around his neck.

"I missed you so much Katy"

I didn't reply, instead I kissed him passionately which he returned. I felt sparks and I was so happy. I smiled against his lips then we drew back.

"I missed you too"

"I feel bad, does Jr mind?"

"Nope not at all, she said she didn't want me to be away from you because she can tell I love you"

"Really? that's so great sweetie"

"Yeah" I smiled like an idiot.

"Your so cute"

"Thanks, your not to bad yourself" I winked at him and he just laughed.

"And she also said that she wants to see you more"

"Oh my gosh, are you serious?"

"Yes I am, but if you dint want to I mean you do-"

"Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson. Don't be stupid, of course I want to see her. I was a dick before and I guess I wanted you all to myself, but now" He placed me down and put his hands on my waist while pulling me closer. "I realise I have a perfect family. With a perfect girlfriend, a perfect daughter who has a perfect mom"

"And I have a perfect boyfriend, a perfect daughter who has a perfect dad" I completed.

"C'mon, let's go record" He swooped me up bridal style and carried me into the studio. We recorded our song and came back to our perfect little girl asleep on the couch.

I stood and watched her, thinking how beautiful she is and how much I love her, then a pair of strong, protective and loving arms snaked around my waist.

"She's so beautiful" He whispered.

"I know" I smiled back even though he couldn't see my face.

This moment, was perfect.

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