chapter 11

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Johns POV

I have I all worked out. Today I am going to visit Katy and Jr. I have booked a restaurant for lunch and I bought gifts. For Katy I have a nice purse from Japan because she loves it there and for Jr I have a stuffed koala from Australia. I talked to Shannon and Jr is going over there for dinner while Katy and I have dinner at the restaurant we went on for our first date. If you ask me it's a pretty good day. I lied to katy about our duet but I'm sure she won't mind.

Katy's POV

I woke up at about 9:30 this morning. It's pretty early for a Sunday. Because I want to see John and I on MTV. I decided to get ready for today because I hate feeling lazy. I put on black jeans with a white top and a my favourite leather jacket with white Converse high tops. I went down stairs trying not to wake Jr up because it would be awkward for her to see John and I sing about how we love each other. I put the kettle on and checked my phone. I had three messages. One from John and two from Shan. I checked the one from John first.

"Morning beautiful, don't forget to watch MTV. I miss you very very much. Love you to the moon and back katy <3 xx"

I replied with

"I won't forget dw babe. I miss you more and I love you to the moon and back xx When will I get to see you?"

"I don't know Hun, Soon tho I promise. I have to go but I will talk to you later.

Love you babe <3"

The one from Shan said

"Get your lazy ass up, I saw an add for 'Who You Love' on MTV. Aren't you two lovebirds cute ;)"

"Thanks Shan, Jr wants to see you agin she loves you so much!"

"I know she does ;), we will all catch up soon, you do know we saw each other yesterday?"

"Yeah I know, but she gets bored, idek what to do?"

"Ha Ha sounds like you katy. Try taking her to a park or something? she would love that!"

"Okay ttyl babe xx"

After that I turned the TV on and went to MTV, it was 10:59 and I was so excited. I waited and waited it didn't come on so I texted John.

"It's not on babe?"

"Hmmm maybe go outside and check your cable unit?"

"Will do xx"

I went out side as John said. Then I saw him, just standing there with flowers in his hand smiling. I ran up to his and jumped in his arms, we both fell on the grass, me on top of him. We kissed and I cried out of happiness. Then John broke the kiss and stood up, put out his hand. I grabbed it and hugged him tightly. I pulled away and looked into his deep eyes and smiled.

"Hello" All he said was hello but it sent shivers down my spine.

"John" He smiled and hugged me once again.

"Sorry I lied to you, who you love isn't on after all"

"I don't care, this better"

"John?" Jr sweetly said. John came up to her and picked her up while spinning her around in circles, she giggled uncontrollably. It was so cute. A tear escaped my left eye.

"Why are you crying mommy?"

"I'm just happy"

"Your so lame!" Then Jr hugged me, Her hugs in the morning are adorable because she is still half asleep and all warm from the blankets.

"It's cold mommy!" John took his jumper off and put it on Jr while we walked back inside. He is so perfect, how can she not like him yet?

"You look nice today babe" John was dressed up, not to fancy but nice.

"Why thank you, I have a restaurant booked for lunch if you want to go?"

"Of Course we will, won't we Jr?" She was still in my arms. Her legs wrapped around my waist and her head on my shoulder with johns jacket over her.

"Yep" I knew she didn't want to but it was nice of her to do it anyway. John mimed the words "she okay?"

"She's just tired. Don't worry Hun"

"Come on babe lets go get dressed" I put her down and grabbed her hand as we walked up the stairs.

"We will be ready in about half an hour John, You can have a coffee if you want I just put the kettle on!" I yelled to him from the top of the stairs. We walked into Jrs room and I knelt down as she sat on the bed.

"I know John isn't your favourite baby, but I want you to give it a try today. For me?"

"I will. For you" she mimicked my words.

"Can you pick my outfit, I can't be bothered!"

"Little Diva!"


"Ok Ok" I picked out some underwear and a little bra-let for her. The top I picked was grey with a white sparkly heart on the front. To dress it up I got out a matching white cardigan and a high waisted black ruffled skirt that came to just above het knees.

"This good?"

"Perfect!" I left her and went to my room, I put on a black dress with Daisy's on it. It was the one I wore on Good Morning America. To go with it I put on black not-so-high-high-heels and the necklace John bought me. I went to Jrs room and knocked on the door.

"How's it going bub?" She opened the door and said "Good, can you do my hair?"

I put it in a side plat and a headband with a white flower. My black hair was down and wavy.

"Look at you two!" John commented as we walked down the stairs.

"Okay lets go I'm starving!" Just then, I heard a knock on the door.

"Shit!" I mumbled to myself. John opened the door before I could tell him not to.

"Ello there John, I came to see your girls if you don't mind, I have band aids to fix their boo boo's"

Why now. Gosh I hate him.


Wow. I never do these. Okay thank you for 48 reads, I know it isn't much but does mean heaps.

I hope you like the story and yeahhhhh.

btw, if you can't tell I don't really like Russell Brand much.

But I love John. he's pretty cool.


~ Caity

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