Chapter 10

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Katys POV

Where is she? it has been 15 mins and It should only take 5. I was starting to worry. I got outside and saw that Russell Had Jr and there was a man on the ground.

"HEY! GET OFF HER NOW YOU JERK" I screamed at him, I ran toward them but tripped on the guy on the floor. I went flying and crashed into them. I was on top on Russell. EW. this was awkward. I got off before event thinking about it. I went up to Jr and she had a bump on her head and was bleeding from a graze also on her head. I started to cry even more.

"It's okay katy, She will be okay" Russell was trying to clam me down but made me even more upset.


"Okay, okay. btw the guy In the mask nearly took your daughter" He whispered this to me. How did he know.

"Wait Russ, how did you know?" I'm glad he whispered it though because there are paps everywhere.

"She was crying for you, she said 'KATY! I WANT KATY SHES MY MOM I NEED HER' that kinda gave it away" then he left and took the guy with him. I kneeled up and placed her head on my lap.

"Baby" I cried "I'm so sorry"

"Jr? can you hear me?" she opened her eyes and looked at me then back down at all the milk on the floor.

"I spilt the milk" I giggled a bit. Not because she made the moment much happier my cracking a joke. But because she was okay.

"It's okay sweetie, I'm sorry I let you go, I'm sorry you had to go through that. I love you so so much and I won't let it happen again, I promise"

"It's not your fault, I love you too." she tried to stand but she fell back down. I scooped her up and grabbed the remainder of the milk. I put her in the car and kissed the tip of her nose. I'm so happy she's here, with me.

Russell's POV

It didn't work, I got my friend to pretend to kidnap Katheryn so katy might like me when I save her. It failed and they both got hurt. I'm a horrible person. But I won't give up. I still love her and nothing will change that.

Katy's POV

once we got home, I put Jr on the couch and went to the bathroom.I looked in the mirror and saw that I had a cut across my forehead, there was probably glass on the ground. Normally I would be rubbing cream on it and trying to make it better, but all I could think about was Jr. I decided to go to the couch where she was. I saw her sitting up watching TV, flicking through all the channels. She was just acting usual. I walked up to the couch and sat down. Jr came closer and put her arm around me and laid her head my lap, while I brushed the hair off her forehead. I saw her graze and I got worried.

"How's your head bub?" I just realised this is the first thing we have said since we got home.

"It's fine thanks" She said she was fine. But I could tell she wasn't.

"No it's not babe, I know your trying to be strong but we need to treat it"

Then we heard a knock at the door, I got up to go answer it. I looked out the window on my door and saw Russell standing there. How did he get through the gate?

"Katy please, just five minutes?" He begged and begged.

"No go away you hurt my baby and me, how did you even get through the gate?"

"You always use your Grandmas birthday as a pin code Katy, it wasn't hat hard"

"Looks like I'll be changing it. Look Russ we aren't ready for visitors today but you can come around tomorrow for like 5 mins if it means that much to you"

"Thank you katy, It means more then you think" and with that, he left.

"Who was that mommy?" She pretended to not know but it was obvious she did.

"Don't act like you weren't listening missy!" I said as I poked her in the tummy.

"Okay, Okay what did Russell want anyway?"

"I don't even know?"

"He's silly"

"Who's silly ?" we heard Shan burst through the door.

"Just Russ!"

"Pfft the dick head"


"Right, sorry the umm.... bum head" We all giggled.

"What happened to you two?" she said while turned on the tv. We didn't need to tell her because

we were on the TV straight away.

"Ohh.......are you okay Jr?" She said and went up to her and gave her a hug. "So glad your here, or else I would have to deal with that woman crying everyday for the rest of her life!" She gestured to me.

"hey, You would cry too! !" all she did was stick her tongue out.

"Who's hungry?" Shan had a point. It was about lunch time and Jr and I haven't eaten yet.

"Me!" both Jr and I said.

" Katy give me your phone!"

"Use yours!"

"I'm sitting on it, and Jr's sitting on me! wouldn't want to make her uncomfortable would you?"

"Oh it's okay Shan! I can move" Jr said politely.

"No stay!" then Shannon held her down.

"Fine, here you go!" Shan ordered pizza and drinks. We decided we would eat out the back because it was a nice day. We waited for the pizza then the man come. We heard his voice through the microphone at my gate and Shan pushed the button to let him in.

We were all out the back listening to music and having fun. We went for a swim and before we knew it. It was time for dinner, Shannon had to leave and Jr and I had noodles. We stayed up watching TV for a bit then we fell asleep on the together couch. I woke up in the middle of the night to find a text from John:

"Hey katy make sure your at home watching TV at 11 o'clock tomorrow, They are playing our duet for the first time on MTV."

"Will do babe xx <3"

I hope Russ doesn't come at that time. I'm not missing out in seeing it, It means so much to John and I.

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