chapter 26

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Jr's POV

"their alright" I lie.

"really?" Katy asks, she leans forward and leans on her elbows.

"um yeah, look katy, I'm not meant to be here. Kara will be worried about me. I love you and all but I don't wanna get you in more trouble and have to live with them longer" I get up and sprint out before anyone catches me.

I run until I find a nice alley to start my homeless life, then it kicks in. I'm being ridiculous. I have no phone no food no shelter. Crap. I'm lost and I doubt they will still be at the cafe. I didn't obey my plan. I'm screwed,

"didn't run very far did ya bub?" katys voice cracks.

"I'm sorry katy I'm stupid. I hate my new family. Heck, I don't even want to call them family. I have nothing there but books and homework. And yes, books aren't that bad. but they are when there only nonfiction books, mainly about space. I miss you but it hurts seeing you because I know it's impossible for things to be normal again" It's true that things won't ever be normal. At least I don't think so. There will always be this history between us. You can't forget about the time your daughter got taken off you because you act like a terrible parent.

"okay clam down. first, be careful who you tell your master plan to. Shannon is my best friend she tells me everything and she would never let you go homeless. She cares about the both of us too much for that."

"your right" I sigh.

"Second. I got a hold of Kara, she agreed to let me visit you. So your house won't be that shi- bad anymore because I'll visit regularly."

"Really? she let you do that?"

"Let's just say there was I time where I had to get a little help from my purse" Katy winks.

"You bribed her with money!" I Laugh.

"yeahh I, well, I just, I couldn't help it" katy admits.

"it's really okay"

"well I'm loving our chat but why don't we talk in my car, maybe we can get an ice cream or something before I drop you off because you rudely sprinted off."

"yeah sorry bout that, it seemed like a good idea at the moment" I confess, as my cheeks go a slight shade of scarlet.

Katy helps me up and we walk to her car. It's bitter sweet right now because I'm with Katy, but I know it won't last. It can't last. It never does last.

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