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It has been a week since that horrible day. And we are happy. I was thinking of putting Jr in school. And she is really excited about that.

I want her to have a proper education, unlike me. She resigned from Americas Got Talent because it bought back memories of her mom.

Today we are BOTH going to go grocery shopping because I can't face nearly loosing her again. I am in my bed laying with Jr in my arms. She had a nightmare last night and came into my bed. She rolled over and we up.

"Morning babe"


"Sleep well?"

"Once I was here yeah."

"Can you remember you dream sweetie?"

"It's the same as always"

"Wait...... always? how often do you have them babe?"

"umm most nights.."

"Why didn't you come in and tell me?"

"Because John was here"

"Awww sweetie, you know it wouldn't of mattered.You are so small we could of had all of in the bed"

"It's okay" I could see she wasn't okay.

"wanna talk about it?"

"Not really, it's okay I promise"

"Jr, babe. Please I wanna help"

"Well they are all about loosing you........."

"awww Hun"

"Don't worry mom"

We went down stairs and had breakfast and got ready to leave. I did Jr's hair like usual and mine then we left.

"Okay sweetie, I'm not leaving you not even for a second"

"I'll be fineeeeeee, stop stressing woman!"

"Shut up! it's my Job!"

"No your job is to sing"

"That's my other job, this one is more important"

"Fine you can worry about me"


we walked in and got all of our shopping,

"Want ice cream?"

" yes please"

"This one?" I point to her favourite and she jumps up and down. I try to reach It but it was like 3 centimetres away. Then a man about my age came and grabbed it for me.

"This one?" He is very good looking, He has Brown hair, blue eyes and is very tall.

"Umm yeah, thanks"

"Here you go sweetie!" he handed it to Jr.

"My little Ashlee loves that stuff, but she can't have it!"

"Oh can't your daughter have dairy?"

"Um no I don't have a daughter I have a cat"

"Ohhhh hahah sorry"

"It's all good,hey aren't you?"


"You have cats right?"

"Yeah we have two,why?"

"Well I don't know what to feed them. Fish or chicken?"

"Ummm well Kitty Purry likes fish but Monkey likes chicken so it depends really"

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