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Katy's POV

I woke up to Jr jumping in my bed.


"morning baby," She stopped bouncing and smiled at me.


Jr jumped on me and I laid back again not wanting to let her go.

"I love you"

"I love you to mommy!"

"awww thats sweet!!! Now come on you two I have breakfast downstairs" Shannon's voice interrupted our moment.

"Im coming I'm coming!"

I stood up and looked at Jr she smiled and took my hand. I pulled her closer and put my arm around her while I kissed the top of her head. It's a thing I like to do, I'm not sure why. I can't believe I am here on my birthday with my daughter. This is all I want.

"I hope my kitchen is still clean Miss Woodward?"

"Well......It can be soon?"

We went down stairs to see all my family and friends waiting for me.


"Happy birthday mommy!"

I am not going to cry, I am not going to cry I am not- Jr just melted my heart. I started to cry and Jr hugged my waist then everyone else joined in a big group hug. My sister was there, everyone stepped back and I ran to her and cried even more on her shoulder, I needed to see her, now I am. I can't ever repay her for that night she helped me.

"I love you Angela"

"I love you too little sis"

We ate breakfast and I talked to everyone I put the gifts on a table I was going to open them later. It wasn't a party because I was still in my Pjs, It was more like everyone was over at my house just relaxing like they live here. I has on the couch with Jr on my lap, talking to Angela. Shannon was being Shannon and jumped in the pool while David, Markus and Mia all followed her. My mom and dad were talking to each other Johnny outside with Tamra and Bradford watching them all swim.


The day was spent with my family and friends they all left at about 4:00. It was just Jr and I now.

"That was amazing babe, thank you"

"It's not over yet silly"


"I have organised dinner, but first.....your present!"

She handed me a soft white teddy holding a silver box. I opened the box and there was a necklace. It was a silver love heart saying I love you mom ~ Jr I looked at it in awe, a tear forming in my eye. Jr placed it around my neck and then came around to hug me.

"it's Beautiful"

"Happy birthday mommy. I love you"

"I love you too baby"

We spent the rest of the day cuddling on the couch watching movies. Jr fell asleep during one of my favourite movies Lolita. I softly braided her hair whilst she rested her head on my stomache. When she woke we got ready to out for dinner.


Jr's POV

" I'll be back soon mom, I'm going to the toilet"

"Okay kitten"

I went to the bathroom and saw a man in black, he looked familiar, it was drew.


"Is your mom here?"

"Yeah why?"

"I want her Jr, I want her to come back with me" he had a smirk on his face, I knew he was up to no good. I ran out and placed the money on the counter I grabbed my mothers arm and ran.

"Kitten? what are we doing"

"It's drew he wants you and it's not safe here"

"Babe you wait here ill go get the car"


She ran off into the night and I hope she will come back soon. The car was only like two minutes away. I heard footsteps running towards me, I saw him under the street light, It was Drew. I ran away and crossed a road then I saw two bright headlights come towards me. Then it went back.

Katy's POV

I was in a rush to get back to Jr I was coming down a badly lit street then right before me I saw here, it was too late. I heard a thump and I didn't think about what I was doing. I got out and kneeled beside her. Her body looked so lifeless, she wasn't moving and there was a pool of blood surrounding her.

"JR WAKE UP" I screamed and screamed.


"Babes, are you okay where does it hurt?"

"Just my head and my leg, we need to get out of here mom it's not safe"

"Okay okay" I picked her up placed her in the backseat and drove.

"I'm so sorry babe"

"It wasn't your fault, you couldn't see. It's my fault for taking you to dinner there, it's my fault for letting you leave, it's my fault I wanted that bloody ice cream or else we wouldn't of met him and we would be fine and safe"

"Shhh baby it's okay, it's not your fault at all"

We arrived at the hospital and went to the front desk. I didn't even have to speak they just let us through. I was carrying Jr because she was so light. I placed her in a wheel chair and took her to her room.


After about three hours the doctor came back with the results. She has a broken leg and fractured three ribs. She hit her head pretty badly too. I have been crying the whole time unlike Jr who is just laying there watching the TV and relaxing.

"Miss Hudson, May please speak to you outside?"

"Of course" I sniffed.

Jr's POV

I saw mom walk put with doctor Larry. I saw her burst into years and hide her face in her hands as she fell to the ground. I don't know what happened. She was so upset and I have no idea why?



ohhhhhhh cliffhanger! I know katys birthday was like last week but I started writing this on her birthday and it took a while to Finnish.

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