chapter 6

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Katy's POV

"Ready babe?"

"Yep!" she tried to carry all of her bags but she was struggling, so I took half of them and we went my car and put all the stuff in the back. We were lucky because there were no paps.

"Katy, is this your car?" she seemed shocked. I didn't think it was that's bad..

"Yeah, what's wrong"

"Well you know.. it's you and your you." she was trying to get something out but I didn't know what.

"Yeah, I am myself"

"Well your car is just"

"my car is what?"

"Your Famous, and your car is well broken, cant you fix it?"

"Sh- I mean oh no!! I forgot about that! umm, okay we need to. umm"

"Katy?" her voice brought me back to life.

"yeah sorry babe" we couldn't drive it with her in the car because the seatbelt didn't work, her window had a crack and the door had a massive dint.

"What are we going to do?" to be honest, I didn't know. I cared to much for her to possibly hurt her.

"well" I tried to sound confident, but I wasn't. Looking after her might be harder then I thought. No katy stop! I love her and we will be a good family and I will be a great mother.

"How about I call Shannon"

"Oh I remember her she was the one on your couch" her and Shannon got along very well and while she was sleeping I told her about everything.

"yeah, she's the one"

So I dialled her number.

"Hey Katy,"

"Hi, umm you know how I'm taking Katheryn home?"


"well my car isn't fit for a small child"

"Oh Katy babe, I completely forgot about that. I would drive you but I'm about to film"

"ok thanks anyway, alright I've got to go"

"Shan I'm a going be a bad mom!"

"No not at all, I really have to go but text me when your home!"

"Alright, bye"

"later katy"

And then we ended the call. I was out of ideas I was about to tell Katheryn that we would have to wait for Shan to finish.

Just then, I got a text from the man I was dating. John Mayer. Oh no he was the father, I told him about everything last night just like I did with Shan. But soon Katheryn will want to know who her dad is. I will wait for it to come up though. the text said.

"hey babe, Shan called and I can pick both of you up, I'll be there in half-an-hour :) xx"

This man just saved my but!! I love him so much and I hope we can be together forever and raise little Katheryn together.

"OMG thank you John xx we will talk later babe :)"

We stayed out side the hospital waiting for John. I could see that Katheryn was cold, she was shaking. so I took my jumper off and wrapped her up in it. Then I got cold and started shaking.

"Katy your freezing" Katheryn said while feeling my arms.

"Yeah it's okay babe John will be here soon, thanks for being so patient"

"it's okay" then she snuggled up to me and put the jacket over both of us. This moment was so perfect even though we were outside the hospital on the cold floor.

Then I saw his car, Katheryn was asleep so John scooped her up and placed her in his car. I hadn't seen him three days, and I know it's not that long, but when your in love,it feels like a year. He put his hand around my waist and I put mine on his neck. We quickly kissed but I wasn't in the mood. I just rested my head on his shoulders and took in his essence. Then he opened my door next to Katheryn so she doesn't panic when she wakes up.

John and I talked the whole way there and Katheryn was still asleep. I told him about how she is normally called Katy and how we would find a nickname. He agreed. Soon enough we were home and we had to wake Katheryn up for dinner. Dinner, crap! I can't cook and we had nothing in the house. John said he would go get something. That left me to show Kathryn around the house. She was amazed and then we got to the room that was going to be hers, the room John and I painted while I was pregnant, the room where I had her bedazzled cot and teddies. She opened the door and I started to cry straight away. We haven't opened this door since we realised we had to put her up for adoption. Lets just say I was a little overwhelmed.

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