chapter 13

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Katy's POV.

I woke up feeling shit! I was hung over and I wanted to just sleep for ever. I heard someone in the bathroom, my eyes were half shut and I saw my hair in the mirror. I look horrible. I went to bathroom and saw Jr with a mop, mopping around the toilet.

"Jr are you sick? it smells like puke in here!"

"yeah it is, but not from me. I'm cleaning up after you last night" she wasn't looking for attention just kept mopping.

"Oh, was I that bad?" She giggled a bit at my question.

"You were horrible!"

"I'm so sorry babe" I feel so bad.

"it's okay"

"What did I do?"

"Well John carried you up the stairs, then left, you started to apologise, then you ran to the bathroom and did this, I held back your hair so you shouldn't have any on you. You couldn't really walk so I helped you to bed, you said you had a headache so I got you water, painkiller and a damp cloth, you went to bed with a bucket beside you just in case, I hope it made today a bit better?"

"Babe, You didn't have to do all that, I'm so sorry"

"It's okay, And I kinda did. I hate seeing you sick"

"You are seriously the best daughter I could have"

"Thanks, you need a shower"

"True, I'll be back soon"

After my shower I felt a bit better. I went downstairs and Jr was in the kitchen.

"Ohh look what the cat dragged in!" That was the voice of my best friend, Shannon.

"haha, very funny Woodward" I said this sarcastically.

"Hey Jr, you know what I was thinking?" Shan had a smirk on her face as she said this

"Umm no?"

"That I really like this song!" She turned the radio up really Loud and grabbed Jr and they danced and sung all to piss me off. Mainly Shannon.

"That was fun" they stopped and Jr came up and hugged me.

"Hey beautiful"

"Morning mommy, Toast?"

"Mmmmm good idea" I sat down next to Shannon and put my head on the table for a bit. Until Jr tapped me gently on the arm.

"It's ready!" I looked at my plate and she wrote 'Drinks Suk!' on my toast with honey. She also gave me a glass of water and painkiller.

"Thanks babe!" We all sat at the kitchen stools.

"Ohh ummm mom?"

"yes sweetie?"

"John called"

"Okay, I'll be back"

I looked at my phone and saw a missed call from John. I dialled his number and waited.


"John, it's katy"

"Oh hey darling, sorry I didn't recognise your voice you sound so-"

"Horrible I know!"

"I was going to say tired but anyway"


"Um I was thinking maybe we should go away for a few weeks or so, you know like a holiday?"

"Yeah Jr would love that"


I heard mom on the phone to John she was getting angry I could see it on her face. Them she lost it and said.

"John! How could you? she is our daughter! I love her and I take her everywhere. I try to feed her even though I can't cook I take her out we have fun and she means the world to me! You are being so selfish right now John! No I will not go on holiday with you unless Jr comes but why would she want to because to be honest she doesn't really like you I think you know that! she needs you John. And you are letting her down"

I saw a tear leak from her eye.

"Looks like I won't have to talk to John anymore" Shannon whispered to me.


Then I heard John through the phone.

"But I love both of you, I'm just not sure I can be a father yet"

"John I know you love her but show it a little more. I'm nearly 29 John I'm not 18 anymore. I have a daughter and that's the best thing. No I don't want to get away from it all, what is there to get away from. John I love you but you need to except the fact she needs us, and we need her. If you aren't ready for that then I'm sorry and if you are then you better pull yourself together!"

Now tears where streaming down her face. I heard him again.

" Katy I never wanted to be a dad! I did it for you!"

"Well that was a f*^%#ed up idea then. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I'm sorry you don't see that!"

She never swears around me.... How could I do this, I just ruined her amazing relationship. it was all me. I feel horrible.

Katy put her phone in her pocket and ran upstairs.

"I better leave babe, I'll see you soon"

"Bye Shan" Now it's just me and Katy. A very upset katy and a very confused Jr.

Katy's POV

I ran to the bathroom I just fell on the floor. I didn't feel so tough anymore. I didn't feel worth it. I couldn't take it anymore. I let my daughter down and now my boyfriend probably hates me. Right now the truth was like swallowing sand. The truth was that my boyfriend who I love. Isn't ready to be father. I basically just lost my daughters Father that's three parents she has lost. She is still beautiful and strong maybe she doesn't need me. I was lost I didn't know where to go. So I called my sister. I don't know why It just came into my head. I remember my mother and father telling stories to their church about things like this. Maybe it was by the grace of god? anyway I decide to call my sister.


"Umm hey Angela? it's katy"

"what's wrong Hun?"

"I just ruined my life"

"No babe I'm sure you didn't"

"You don't understand Angela!"

"What to talk about it?"

"Yes please"

"Okay I'm listening"

"Well John wanted to take me on holiday with out Jr. And I had a go at him because he is being a really sh*ty dad. And it went on and stuff and in the end he admitted he never wanted to be a dad. I ran to the bath room and I saw my medicine there and I nearly overdosed I just want to leave Angela. I have screwed up my life. And Jr's to."

" Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson, You are worth it and you deserve to be on this earth. I look at the way Jr looks at you and it is full of love. She looks up to you and she needs you. So do I. And about John. I know it's hard sweetie but it was very all of a sudden for him. He loves you both and maybe one day he will be ready. You can't let love take you out that way. It is not about you. You are a beautiful, strong, loving person katy. You haven't screwed up at all"

I couldn't answer I just cried and cried.

"Katy I can hear you"

"Thank you" I sniffed.

"It's okay babe. I have to go but call me back soon okay?"

"Okay, bye love you"

"Love you too katy, goodbye" I put one foot In front of the other and I looked in the mirror and decided to stay. I wasn't going to let love take me out that way. I put the blade down and shut medicine cabinet. Then Jr came up.


Jr's POV

I went upstairs to the bathroom and saw my mom sitting there with a blade, a phone and the medicine cabinet was open.

"Jr"she cried. I ran up to her and hugged her and stayed with her. No words were spoken. We just stayed.

Katy's POV

Sometimes I think that Jr is the mom. She heard me crying and ran, she looked after me when I was drunk. She was the one who makes the meals and I nearly gave up on life. She is here for me. and I am here for her. I probably should tell her about her about John?



"Umm well. John and I had a bit of a misunderstanding and w-"

"I know, I heard. You were speaking pretty loud on the phone"

"You heard? b-both of u-us?" she nodded and a tear escaped her eye.

"It's okay baby he will realise one day"

"Mom, he said he never wanted kids!"

"I know babe, if It helps.... I always did".

"I know that mom"

"And after I had to give you up. I didn't want another kid"

"Thanks mom that helps" she said sarcastically.

"No, I didn't want another kid, I wanted you"

"oh. Well you have me now"

"I know I do"

"I'm not going anywhere mom"

"I'm staying too"


Okay, that was a bit of a dark chapter sorry. I hope you liked it.

It was based on Katy's song called "By the Grace of God"

I feel like I had to add some type of drama in there and I cried so much writing that chapter.

Thank you to the people who read it.

If there are any?

Btw- I think John would be a great dad In life and I totally ship Jaty. I just needed something to keep the story interesting.

Thanks xx

- Caity

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