22 part 2

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"Because use your not in bed with me"

Those words made my heart melt.

I sat there in awe just trying to understand how she is so beautiful.

"Please mom, we don't how long it will be until we can do his again"

"Please" she pleaded.

"I don't want to hurt you"

"Not again" I whispered.

"It's hurting me you not coming here"

And with that I got up climbed into her bed.

I held her head into my chest with one hand while the other was tracing circles on her back.

Tears were streaming down my face and I couldn't help but let out a sob. Jr held me tighter to let me know she heard me crying. she let go and looked deep into my eyes.

The moon was shining through the window and it lit the room.

I could see her beautiful tear stained face.

"Mommy, just know that I don't entirely blame you okay? don't go into depression or do anything stupid. They will put me into a home and who knows, maybe I won't get adopted and we can be together again?"

"What if you do get adopted?"

"Then, I will call you or text you everyday. And it will only be three months tops. Then we go to court. We fight for custody, and if we win, then the student welfare will check your house and Interview me, ill say yes and then we will be together again"

"Will you still love me?"

"Of course! I can't stop. It's pretty much impossible."

I nodded in reply


"Okay" I whispered.

We both read this book called The fault in our starts. And that was a little quote. We both giggled a little then she fell asleep I'm my arms not long after I let my thoughts take me away.

Jr's POV

when I woke up my head was still on my moms chest and she had a right grip on me. I felt her chest moving up and down as she breathed.

I loved moments like these. But I also hated being at her house when John was there.

It was the worst.

But I stayed because I loved Katy too much.

I couldn't see if Katy was awake or asleep.

"Morning" She croaked while stretching her arms. That answered my question.

I felt her warm breath on the side of my neck, it tickled but also felt nice at the same time.

"Morning" I replied.

"How's your arm?"

"Yeah it's fine. I can't really feel it or anything"

"That's good"

"I'm so sorry about that by th-"

"Stop, I know just let it go, in the past now."

"How are you so beautiful?"

"I come from the finest" I smirked.

"But I don't mean John by the way"

"I know I know."

Just then the nurse came in.

"Oh err sorry I was just" Katy apologised for being in my bed.

"It's okay ma'am I know it must he hard. enjoy your last day together. At 8:30 we will have to take her away."

"Okay thanks"

"And the is allowed to leave the hospital if you want"

"Okay cool" Katy answered.

"Would you like breakfast?" The nurse asked politely.

"No I'll take her out for breakfast" Katy smiled and jumped out of bed.

I could tell Katy was dreading that moment but I saw her put a smile on her face and pretend she was okay.

"You don't have to do that you know mom?"

"Of corse I'm taking you to breakfast"

"Not that silly!"

"Then what do you mean?" she laughed while straightening her top.

"Pretending your okay, I know your not because to be honest. I'm not either."

"I'm fine" She fake smiled again.

"Your smile, it's fake I can tell."

"H h how do you know?" She stuttered.

"I to it too" I said so simply

I looked into her eyes and gave a sympathetic smile.

once I got out if bed, she came over to me and embraced me.

I looked into her eyes and I could tell she was trying not to cry.

"Just let it out mom, I won't judge you"

I felt her sigh and soon after she was sobbing into my hair. I had my arms around her waist I just held her and rested my head in her chest. Katy pulled away and looked into my eyes with so much love. A tear rolled down her cheek but I wiped it away with my thumb.

"Were going to be okay mom" Okay that was a lie. But one of us had to be strong.

"You're right" Katy sighed.

"Aren't I always?"

"Now your pushing it" She laughed.

"C'mon I'm starving" I dragged out the a sound to empathise how hungry I was.

"Okay then, what are you waiting for" She said while turning toward the door.

"I was waiting for you to stop crying actually" I mumbled so quietly.

"I heard that!" katy giggled.

"What! how?"

"Mom hears all"


And there part two! Please leave comments if you like this story or on what you think should happen next. If you leave an idea I will most likely use it and give you credit xx


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