chapter 27

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Jr's POV

As I sit in Katy's car, I can feel the awkwardness rise. I honesty don't know why she didn't snap at me and go all moody. I just ran away from her which is the hight of rudeness and she handled the situation with love and forgiveness without being all mom like. She told me I was stupid (which was true) then offered me ice cream. I like this side of Katy.

"I'm going to get you back hunny" katy breaks the silence.

"what?" I whisper.

"You heard me, I'll get you back. I'm the biggest idiot in the world for treating you like
that and I will get you back. whatever it takes."

"katy I love that idea as much as you do, but it's kind of illegal" I hate to burst her bubble.

"mmm. we'll work around that." she didn't seem fazed by this at all and I was very confused. I don't know what kind of fairytale she was living in, but I didn't say any more.

Katy turned to me as we stopped at a red light. she smiled at me with her eyes wide and bright, she looked content and prepared. it was like she was looking at the most beautiful thing in the universe, except she was only looking at me.

As we drove, I saw the lights of the city flash by my window. The only sound was Katy's subtle hum. It sounded like Ellie Goulding's 'Love me Like you Do' I shut my eyes and let sleep take me.

"hunny, wake up." Katy's gentle shake and soothing voice awoke me. It was only around 7:30pm but I was exhausted. I felt heat rush to my checks, which was not normal for me. Back in the day, I would always fall asleep. katy would wake me, then she would lean down to kiss my forehead and I drag her onto the bed and cuddle into her chest. That's how we would stay until we either fell asleep again or HAD to move. I looked her in the eyes and she sympathetically smiled down at me, I'm sure was thinking the same thing.

"I've put your bag inside and I called kara, you can stay with me tonight if you want. I'm on the last floor, room 27, I told the guy at the desk to let you through." Katy turned her back and started to walk away. I moved my legs so I was sitting with them dangling out of the car door.

"katy wait" I whispered, not expecting her to hear.

"mmm?" when I saw katys face, now wet with a few tears, it broke my heart into pieces.

I put my arms up and raised an eyebrow. She immediately dropped her black Chanel bag and strode over, her heels clicking on the concrete.

I wrapped my arms around her neck and she awkwardly lent down to hug me as I awkwardly reached up. Katy was too busy crying to notice this though. I stood up and she hugged me even tighter, katys small hands rubbing my back. I could feel the muscles in her stomach tense as she cried into my hair.

I was thankful that we were hidden from all paparazzi in this secret car park thing. Katy let go and I did too, but it didn't last long. She just wiped her eyes and hugged me again, this time her arms around my neck and mine around her torso. I didn't feel as if I had to say anything, the only important thing was that katy felt happy. And I wasn't going to let her go.

"I don't wanna let you go" Katy's muffled voice spoke.

"you don't have to." in return she let out another weep and pretty much fell onto me so she was leaning on me and It was hard to stay up right. Suddenly she fell to the floor, and hid her head in her palms. It was a weird sight, seeing your mother on the ground of a car park crying so hard it echoed.

Now I believed Shannon. Katy is a mess, depressed even. She doesn't deserve this, she looks so small, so broken and I am so awed, I don't know what to do. I kneel down by my moms side and lay a hand on her back. I got the hair out of her face and I looked her in the eye. Glassy blue eyes stared back me and they no longer twinkled with joy, they twinkled because of the pain I've caused her. They twinkled because of all the tears.

"I love you mom" I meant it from the bottom of my heart. I thought this would cheer her up, lessen the pain maybe. But it only brought more. Katy let out a sob that sounded like 'I love you too' but I wasn't sure.

I stood up and reached down for katy, placing her arms around my waist as she stood up and we walked over to the nearest wall, luckily without falling. Before I knew it, katy was back on the floor, her back against the wall and her knees to her chest. If you were to walk in right now, you wouldn't see a radiant and powerful woman with numerous amounts of success. You would see a small broken girl, holding on by a strand. I soon realised that I was that strand, keeping her from loosing it completely. Now shaking, she was silent. But Katy's tears still constantly streamed down her face as she rocked back and forth.

I decided she needed help. So I did what every other kid of this century would do. I went into Katy's bag and took her phone out. Her lock screen was a picture Shannon took of us when I fell asleep on her chest and she fell asleep on the couch arm we didn't look extremely good but we looked extremely happy. Pure bliss if you will. I unlocked her phone by typing in my birthdate and opened google.

'what do you do when your mom is having a breakdown?'

Nothing really helpful came up. Just the obvious but I have already tried everything in my power.

I looked over again and there was no improvement. I decide to call Shannon, I go into Katy's favourite contacts and right beneath my name, was "short lil' hoe."

"katy?" Shannon answered.

"no, I wish. Look I'm sorry but I don't know what to do. Katy is having a breakdown or something and she won't stop crying and she won't talk to me and I'm really scared"

Katy let out a sob, breaking the silence and proving that she heard me.

"shit. Just hug her, she won't hug back but make sure she knows you're there. Then call Angela and put the phone to Katy's ear."

"alright, thank you."

"She'll be okay kiddo, don't worry" I didn't believe that. Katy won't ever be 100 percent okay after all she's been through.

{woah update. I surprised myself. This is only a short chapter and it's a little bit of a cliffy, but I promise the next chapter will pick up from where I left off}

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