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Katy's POV

My alarm went off at 6:00 am! I quickly turned it off before Jr hears it. John left last night because he had to work early and didn't want to wake us, before he left he bought Jr into her room so I put my dressing gown on, brushed my teeth and went to wake her up.


No response.

"Kitten we need to wake up, the team will be here in half an hour"

I got a groan in response.



"Nighty night"

She rolled over going back to sleep so I had no other choice. I jumped on the bed, her body was jumping up and down but still nothing.

"I don't wanna do this Jr" I warned her.

"Go ahead"

"Fine" I crawled up to her and put my knees either side of her and started tickling her.

"Arrrrr stop. mom..Please" she said in between laughing hysterically.

"Are you up?" I paused.


"Okay then" I began to start again.

"Okay, Okay" she put her arms up in defence.

"Okay, Good morning babes. How did you sleep?" I said almost sarcastically pretending nothing happened.

"Good until you woke me up!"

"Oh shush! come here"

She jumped into my arms and hugged me.

"Today's the day" She looked nervous.

"Yep! are you sure you wanna do this"

"Well yeah. I guess"

"Aww sweetie it will be okay"

"What if your fans don't approve"

"If they don't they are clearly not KatyCats because if they were they will support us. They already love you and they think your my second cousin. And at the end of the day it's not there decision it's ours, and I know I want to have you as my daughter publicly."

"I want to have you as my mum publicly" she smiled back.

"I'm glad"

"Love you momma"

"Love you too kitten" I kissed the top of her head.

"Now let's get ready for the team to get us ready!"

"Okay, meet you downstairs after my shower"

"I'll have one too"

"Beat you back!" She ran to her shower and I run to mine. We always do this when we get ready.


I won but I hid behind the couch so she thinks she won.

"HA! I win" Jr exclaimed.

I grab her from behind and she screams.

"Not this time my child!"

"Ugh you suck!" Jr said while squirming.

I put my hand on my chest pretending to be offended.

"Well so do you!" I throw back.

"OH" Now she is pretending to be offended mirroring me. I love how she has my sense of humour.

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