chapter 12

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"Umm Katy. What's going on?"

"Okay, Jr and I had a little miss hap at the shops and Russ helped us,remember I texted you about it? Anyway he was just coming over to see how we were doing, but we are fine without you Russ."

"It's okay babe" John didn't seem to angry.

"Don't call her babe John, she doesn't love you!"

"RUSS THAT IS NOT TRUE!" I was angry and I couldn't help but shout.

"It's okay Katy, I know you love me. This ring says 'Love you -Katy' on it shows that!"

"Oh I see Katy, you bought him a ring!" why did Russell even care? Jr grabbed my waist and buried her head, I stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head.

"yes actually, I did"

"Look, I think it's best if you leave, I was just about to take the girls to lunch" He didn't want to start a fight and that is one of the reasons I love him. But Russ did, he punched John across the face. Jr screamed then covered her eyes.

"Take Jr upstairs katy, I'll be there soon"

"Be careful John"

"Don't worry" I picked Jr up and we went into my room.

"Mommy" she cried.

"shhh shhh it's okay sweetie, they are big boys and they will sort it out, don't worry"

she just hugged me tighter but we could still hear them.

"RUSS! just leave, Katy doesn't want you here, either do I, or Jr."

"Make me"

"Fine" then I heard the door slam and Russell storm off in his car

"John!" He walked in and his face had a big bruise on it.

"Baby! Are you okay?" I went up to him and gently placed my hand on his bruise.

"I'm fine it hurts a little bit but I'll live. Are you guys okay?" We both nodded.

"You need ice babe! what time is lunch?"

"well if we leave in 30 mins we will get there on time"

"Yay we can fix you" We went down stairs and John sat on the couch while I made him an ice bag.


"Lunch was great babe, thanks!"

"No problem. Now I Talked to Shan and she says she can look after Jr tonight because she wants us to have some special time together. is that okay?

" I have never left Jr in Shans care before except for at Americas got talent, but she wasn't really my daughter then. I'm sure she will be fine and I can text her to make sure. After all, she is my best friend, like a sister, that's why Jr calls her Aunty Shan.

"Fine by me, Jr, do you mind?"

"No, not at all. I can't wait to see aunty Shan!" her eyes lit up, and to be honest I was looking forward to us time.


Jr's POV

"Bye mom, bye John I'll see you later" I went up and hugged mom, she lightly kissed me on the head and said.

"Eat all of Shan's food for me will you bub?" I laughed and looked at Shan.

"Yup!" After hugging her I went to John. I hugged him and he patted me on the back. It was awkward. But anyway. I'm doing this for mom.

"Don't feed mom too much, she will burst in that dress!"

"Ok will do, Have fun princess"

"Yep" They stared to walk of, Shan picked me up and waved goodbye.

"WEAR PROTECTION!" She screamed really loud.


"NEVER!" I giggled a bit.

"Hey little one, you're not supposed to know what that means!"

"I'm smart you know!" We went inside and Shannon had lots of movies ready to watch, Popcorn, lollies and Dr Pepper. We watched them for about 3 hours giggling about things and laughing, then it got serious.

" Shan, I don't wanna go home!"

"You really don't like him do you bub?"

"Not one bit!"

"I know how you feel, I don't either but I support Katy because she has never been happier. I hate that he has a reputation with girls and I hate how he treats you. Like seriously, who finds out they have a daughter again and then goes on tour, who takes a child's mother away when you, Katy and I had plans. No one should but he did. He isn't funny and he isn't that handsome but Katy loves him and happy for her. And there is the side that carried you when you were asleep and who pushed Russ away."

"That was a nice speech Shan, but it hasn't changed my opinion. I'll give it time, I will warm up" As I said that Katy bursted through the door.

"SHANNYYYYY, d d did you e eat p p p popcorn without meeeeeee?" she was drunk. Great another thing to add to the reasons I don't like John, She had been responsible and stopped drinking for 3 months. She was healthy and happy. Now John has ruined that! and he won't be there tomorrow morning to look after a hungover Katy. It will be me. She came over to me and grabbed my head and kissed my eye, I think she was aiming for my forehead. She sat down and said.

"OHHH monsters INC, I looooooooooove this movie"

"No you don't Katy you hate it !" Shan was right.

"Not tonighttttttttt"

"Come on Katy lets get you home, Shan and John gave her a chair lift to the car and I stood behind so she doesn't fall. John put her in bed and sad his goodbyes then left.

"I'm so sorry baby, it was John, he bought me a few Drin-" she ran to the bathroom and I held her hai back while she was sick.

"stay there mom" I went and got a big glass of water and pain killer.

"Drink this" she did.

"Take these" she did. Katy looked at me.

"I hate liquid" She frowned.

"I know" I helped her up and put her arm around me. I took her to bed and put a bucket beside her. Just in case.

"I feel yucky" she started crying. Idek why.

"It's okay, you are home now. I'll look after you" I placed a damp cloth on her forehead and went to bed. I got a text from Shannon.

"Is Katy okay?"

"Yeah she is asleep now :)"

"BTW I don't like John at all now ;) I might talk to him?"

"That would be good :)"

"Okay you get some sleep, night xx <3"

"Night Shan <3"

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