Chalter 22 part 1

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Katys POV

The words hit me like a ton of bricks, so so so many bricks.

A huge lump was forming in my throat.

I felt guilty, angry, depressed, ashamed, embarrassing, worried, anxious and lost. Very very lost.


I cleared my throat and prepared for the journey I front of me.

"Oh um yeah sorry" I sniffed as the tears streamed down my face.

"You have 48 hours"


"We have to put Katheryn in a home"

"Oh um eh right sorry"

I fell, and I fell hard. I hit the ground and fell into hysterics. Crying, screaming, yelling making weird sounds as I was trying to breathe.

It was about 10 minutes before I looked up and saw the man was still standing there.

"Can I please have five minutes?"

"I can't allow that"

"Please I need to pee!"

"Umm I don't know if I can let you?"


I ran into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. I didn't see Katy Perry starting back at me. I saw a woman with tear stained cheeks and a red nose. With messy hair and whose top wasn't sitting right. I saw a woman with smudged mascara and marks on her selves from the black makeup.

I saw a woman who if she kept this up, would have no chance of getting her daughter back. None.

"C'mon katy, you can't give up!" I told myself out loud.

"Don't give up!"

"You won't give up"

"I won't give up"

"I won't give up"

"I will not give up!"

"I can't give up"

"I can not give up"

I fixed myself and went I to Jr's room.

She was asleep and looked so beautiful.

"Baby, I'm so so sorry. I was a bitch, a real bitch, I know you can't hear me so I'm just gonna let it all out. The best day of my life was when you were born and worst day of my life was when I had to give you away. Then I got you again and it felt like the best day of my life all over, And now well, I have to let you go and I can tell you it's also one of the worst days of my life. I don't know what I will do when your gone. But I know I will change. I will get my shit together and have a good talk to that jerk who made me think all of these things. I will learn to cook. Well try and I will redo your room! I will give you the best home and place to be ever. It will only be three months until you have the chance to come back. I just hope you want to come back.....because I know I want you to, I need you to come back baby I don't know how I will live. I need you in my life Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson, I need you. And by the way I won't call you that agin cause you know.... it's kinda my name. "

"I'm so so sorry baby, I love you and I will do ANYTHING it takes to get you back"

"Anything" I finished with a whisper.

I lent over and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek and walked over to the couch.

"Katy?" There it is. That 'Katy' word. It hurt. I'm not gonna lie.

"It's bad to swear"

"I'm sorry baby, just go back to sleep"

I knew she heard all that, I linda hoped she would...

We sat in silence for about 5 minutes, I knew she wasn't asleep, I could see her shifting every once in a while.

"I can't"

"Why not?"

"because your not in bed with me"


OMG GUYS IM SORRY, wow this update was wayyyyyy over due and I'm so sorry. I wrote then it didn't save and ugh it sucked. So I made this short crappy chapter and it's part one ill do part two later tonight xx I'm so so sorry again guys :( ily :')

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