Chapter 3

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'So, why do you think they're here?' Matei asked Jana as they walked through the ground floor of the Kafe, preparing themselves for what they might have to face.
'Well, we did just expose every wolfblood on the planet' she replied,'Victoria warned me that there were going to be some wolfbloods who might come after us or something, you know, because of what we did'
'Well, we've been Ok so far haven't we? Im sure one stray wolfblood won't be a problem, Jana.'
They stopped as they reached the front door.Jana gave Matei's hand a reassuring squeeze and he returned it thankfully. As they opened the door, a wave of cold wind consumed them, the scent even stronger than before.

Cautiously, they stepped out onto to the pavement stretching alongside the harbour. The scent was everywhere and nowhere, to the left and then to the right.
'They're throwing their scent. They must know that we're here' Jana said, her voice sounding a lot calmer that how she felt inside,'Aran tought me how to throw my scent in the wild'
'So it's a wild wolfblood?'
There was a silence for about 10 seconds, but however long it was it was long enough for Jana to reach a desicion.
'That's it. I'm calling Imara.' She turned to head back into the Kafe, Matei following behind. Noticing this, Jana turned around sharply to face him.
'Matei, stay out here'
'What? Are you crazy? We have no idea who this wolfblood is!'
'Exactly. If we both go back inside it will leave. And we need to find this stray now. I'll be quick I promise'
Jana touched her forehead against Matei's for a moment, then gave him a reasuring nod as she went through the door.

It had only been about half a minute, and already Matei was contemplating the idea of going back to his pack. This was worse than the time TJ and Emilia had dragged him to the wild. He shoved his hands in his black duffel coat pockets and hoped that Jana would be back soon. All of a sudden, he spotted something watching him from the shadows of a nearby building. The yellow eyes signified to Matei that it was the stray in wolf form. He could sense his heart rate increasing, but as the wolf emerged from it's hiding place, he reconised them immediately. Tears of happiness filled his eyes as he walked towards the wolf, now sitting obediently in the middile of the pavement.

He couldn't believe it.

'Hello Emilia' He said with a smile.

Author's note
Did you guess right? Who was surprised? Please let me know how I'm doing in the comments section and i plan to write the next chapter in the next few days. Thanks for reading X

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