Chapter 10

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Thank you to wolfblood_hjw for helping me with this chapter. X

Two days later
'TJ sit down' Imara orderd her son. TJ had only just walked through the front door (a few hours late of course) and had a confused look on his face. He settled himself in a armchair and his mother sat across from him.
'Look mum, I'm sorry I'm late again. Its just-'
'TJ this is moere important!' Imara folded her arms and crossed one leg over the other 'Some people at Segolia have managed to locate the wild pack'
'What? How?'
'I'm not sure TJ. The point is if Emilia wants to return to the wild, we have people who can take her'
TJ wasn't convinced 'Mum, why do you want to help Emilia? You tried to send her and Matei to Romania, and how do you know for certain that Segolia can reach them?'
'I know I haven't been kind to them in the past, but wolfbloods need to look out for eachother. The wild is the best place for her'
'Ok. I'll go call Emilia' TJ got up from the armchair and walked up the large staircase to his room. His thumb hoverd over the call icon on his phone screen. How could he know for certain that Emilia was going to be safe? Who were these people at Segolia who found the wild pack, and how? He eventually tapped the green icon, but every second the phone was dialling TJ was wondering if he was making the right choice.

'Really? TJ that's amazing!' Emilia was bursting with joy, pacing in her room with her ear to the phone. She didn't notice her older brother standing by the door until she hung up, beaming from ear to ear.
'You're so happy I can practically see your tail wagging' Matei smirked as he reached to look at Emilia's phone 'Who were you talking to?' But before he could swipe it out of her hands, Emilia stood up, grabbing her red satchel and walking through the open door.
'Where are you going?'
'Duh, going to tell everyone'
Matei rushed after Emilia to the front door, blocking her way.
'Just wait a second. You haven't even told me what is going on'
'I'll explain when we get there' Emilia replied simply, before pushing past her brother and swinging open the front door.

Jana stared across the Kafe, leaning across the counter with her head resting in her hands. She had noticed something between TJ and Selina ages ago, but as she looked at them now, she wonderd how they hadn't become an official couple. She had thought of using her wolfblood hearing to listen into their conversation, but decided against it. They deserved some privacy, after having their entire lives exposed to the world. It was at that moment when Jana smelt who was outside. Covachis. She stood up as she saw the two walk towards the counter, gretting Katrina on their way past.
'Hey. I wouldn't go over there if I were you' Katrina told them, nodding over to Selina and TJ. They both raised their eyebrows and sat on the stools by the counter. Jana walked away to serve a coule and Matei waited until she was out of earshot before he turned to his sister.
'Why can't you just tell me now? It could take forever to get everyone together'
Emilia ignored him and sipped her juice. After a while she turned to face her brother.
'Ok ok. Segolia have found the wild pack' she glanced over at Jana 'And they can take us to them'
'What?' Matei hissed, noticing Jana was close by 'Emilia, they hate us. We can't go!'
'No Matei, they hate you, not me. Jana isn't my alpha anymore. If I want to go, then I'll go.'
'But you've only been back a week. I thought you'd want to spend time wih me and the pack'
Emilia let out a small laugh 'Brother, I still love you with all my heart. But Jana... no. Just because she's your girlfriend, don't expect to love her too.' Emilia stood up, but Matei grabbed her arm before she could walk away.
'Emilia, please stay. We all want you here. Please.'
Emilia wasn't convinced. 'If you want to be with me, then come to the wild'

And with that she left, joining TJ and Selina on the other side of the Kafe. Matei turned back round to face the counter, staring glumly into his mug. What was more important to him; Jana and the pack or his own sister? He smiled when he saw Jana sit down next to him, but inside he was feeling something very different.

Was this really worth giving up Emilia?

Author's note
Ooh! Looks like Matei's got a decision to make! What do you think he'll do?
As always, comment and vote if you want. I can't say when the next chapter will be up, I'm going to Belgium in a few days so it depends wether I have WiFi
Love ya, please keep reading xx

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