Authors note-the end.

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So that's the end of the story! Why is Rhydian calling? How long will it be until things boil up again? I guess you'll find out in the sequel!

Please please PLEASE comment on the finale or the aftermath, telling me what you thought of the whole book and if you want the second book to be 3rd person or POV.

Thanks to everyone who reads my books, it helps me so much to improve my writing, and if it entertains people too, even better.

Also thanks to wolfblood_hjw for helping through my struggles and many writers blocks. I don't know where I'd be without you x

Lastly, I've just started year 10 in school (I think that's the same as 10th grade but I'm not sure) and my school is constantly pressuring me about my GCSEs (massive exams) which I have to pass in order to have a good life. So be patient if I don't upload for a while, I PROMISE it's for a valid reason xx

So yeah, go comment, stay aware and I will see you in a few weeks with a new story!

Love you! xx

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