Chapter 17

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'And then you pivot and strike' Selina instructed, pointing her foot in the air. She watched the cubs imitate the move and grinned. They were certainly fast learners!
'It's looking good' a familiar voice spoke up behind her 'but not as good as me, right?' Selina turned round to see Emilia. She lauged and gave the young wolfblood a hug. 'Im gonna miss you, little one'
'I'm going to miss you too' Emilia pulled away and looked around 'have you seen my brother?'
'Yep' she pointed into the middle of the territory. Emerging from one of the tents was Matei, fiddling with the necklace around his neck.

Emilia sighed and walked over to him. The other day Cadwr had made her realise something. Even though it hurt her to admit it, she knew she shouldn't have dragged her brother to the wild. After all, she wanted him to be happy. And finally she could accept that he could be happy in the city.
Noticing that his sister was approaching, Matei put on his fake smile. He ruffled his sister's hair 'You ok?'
Emilia frowned and flattened down her hair.
'I need to talk to you.'

That night
Jana took a deep breath and loosened her hold on the tree. She knew she wasn't supposed to be putting weight on her injury, but she hated feeling helpless. Alphas had to be strong, she thought. She wasn't going to let anyone tell her what to do. She didn't notice that Matei was watching her until she tried to walk. Jana managed to supress a painful cry, but the grimace on her face was enough for Matei. He rushed over to her and helped her sit down.
'You shouldn't do this Jana. You need to rest'
'But I hate feeling like this!' Jana looked up at the sky miserably 'I don't know what I'm going to do without you Matei. It's just-'
She cut off when she noticed the grin on Matei's face 'what?'
Matei laughed 'I'm not staying in the wild'
Jana's eyes widened. 'But what about Emilia?'
He sighed 'I was wrong. Aran and Emilia both assured me that I didn't need to be there for her anymore. I need to focus on what I want, and I know now that I want to be in city.' He paused 'and I want to be with you, Jana.' He only just managed to finish what he wanted to say, because he was almost knocked over by Jana hugging him so hard. He regained his balance and then helped Jana to stand up, holding her tightly.

She smiled at him and Matei could see the happiness shining in her eyes. He returned the smile and brushed a strand of hair away from Jana's face. He knew right then that he had made the right choice. Jana stared into the deep brown eyes she loved so much, and that was the last thing she saw before he kissed her. Jana was surprised but found herself kissing back, wrapping her arms around his neck. Matei pulled away and touched his forehead to hers.
'Finally' he whispered. They both laughed and sat down again, their arms around eachother. As Jana gazed up at the stars, she noticed that almost all the pain in her ankle had gone, as if Matei had somehow chased away the injury by making her feel warm and wanted. Matei was happy too. As he drifted off to sleep, he was sure he could see his parents in the sky, smiling down at them though the sparkling stars.

The next day
Emilia was helping the city wolfbloods pack Ollie's car. She couldn't help but steal glances at her brother as she walked past him. He looked happy, she thought, and she was glad she made the right decision. The sound of the car boot being slammed shut made Emilia realise that they were leaving. Something she hoped would never have to happen.
'Hey' she turned around to see Matei, who had managed to approach her without Emilia noticing. He put his hands on her shoulders and looked straight at her.
'Remember, if you ever need anything, or if you want to visit-'
'Matei I'll be fine, I can look after myself!' Emilia noticed she had been a bit harsh, so she gave her brother a hug.
'I'm always with you Matei' she whispered. Matei hugged her back and then pulled away.
'See you soon'
'Yeah, see you soon' Emilia turned to Jana and Ollie, who had appeared next to her brother.
'Thank you. For everything' Jana and Ollie smiled at eachother 'We'll miss you Emilia...' Jana turned and looked at TJ and Selina, who were already in the car and waving energeticly '...we all will'

Emilia waved back and then walked away, making her way through the forest floor. Matei watched her for a while and then turned to Jana.
'She'll be ok, won't she?'
'Yeah, of course' Jana replied.
When they turned back around, Emilia had disappeared into the forest.
Jana laughed. 'Cadwr taught her well'

Author's note
Hey guys, this chapter took mega long to write (idk why!) and I hope you enjoyed it!
I am on holiday in South France and Andorra until the 21st so you can expect a lot more chapters as there is barely anything to do here!
So yeah, comment and vote if you want, your comments really help me
Love ya xx

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