Chapter 5- part 1

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'What!' Emilia was sat at the end of the single bed in Jana's room, staring at Selina and TJ, who were standing side by side, staring right back at her.
'Why are you staring at me like that?'
Selina and TJ looked at eachother uneasily, then looked back at Emilia.
'Well, it was just a bit... unexpected' replied Selina, looking at Emilia worryingly.
'It was very unexpected' Matei added angrily as he enterd the room. Emilia stood up immediately and folded her arms. If her brother wanted an argument, he was about to get one.
'I didn't think you'd take Jana's side over mine' Emilia snapped.
'What? Im not on anyone's side, and anyway, Jana doesn't hate you. We just want to know why you did that to Jana'
'Well maybe if you were there you'd understand!' Emilia shouted, before sighing and sitting down again heavily. She looked to the floor and muttered 'The wild pack, they... they left me behind.'
'Left you behind?' TJ asked,' what do you mean?'
Emilia's eyes didn't move from the floor. 'When... when the secret came out, Alric was furious. He said that Jana was no longer his heir, or even part of the pack. Then one day I woke up and... and they were gone.' Matei sat down next to his sister and put his arm around her, understanding her sadness.
'So, why are you so mad at Jana?
Emilia looked up at her brother, her face suddenly starn and serious.' If jana hadn't revealed the secret, the pack wouldn't have gone and left me. The wild was where i belonged, and shes taken that away from me!'
'Emilia listen,' Selina started, squatting so that she was the same height as the young wolfblood,'it was all of us. Jana wasnt the only one, we all decided it was the best way to go'
'Say what you like, shes your alpha. She's responsible for the pack and everything it does' Emilia replied spitefully.
'But-' Matei began
'I don't care what you say!' She shouted 'I'm not going to forgive Jana for this. Ever!'
Suddenly, a plan formulated in TJs mind. 'But what if jana could find the wild pack again? Would you forgive her?'
'Yeah but, i don't get how she can do that'
Matei thought back to the day that he was kidnapped by Victoria. Just before that Jana had said that she could always find her pack. 'Trust me' Matei reasured his sister, hugging her tight 'I know Jana can do this'
'So!' TJ said in a sarcastically happy tone 'who wants to go tell Jana that her dad hates her, has practicality disowned her, and will probably never see her again?' There was scilence for a moment, then everyone looked at Matei.
'Fine.' Matei said as he got up from the bed and ambled towards the door. He was not looking forward to the upcoming conversation...

Author's note
I know i said it would be up on Sunday, but as you can see by the title, chapter 5 has been so annoying to write and it ended up being so long, it's in two parts. It is still one chapter but I feel the need to do it in two sections. Part 2 will be up in the next few days, i promise! As always, please comment to help me improve and hope you enjoyed! X

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