Chapter 4

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It was two o'clock in the morning. Matei stood before his sister outside the Kafe, smiling as he watched her transform. The yellow eyes turned hazel, four legs turned to two as Emilia became human again.

Although it had only been a month, Matei could tell she had changed a lot. Her wolf wasn't the same. In the same way that her scent had changed, Emilia seemed more wild herself, as if she was a completely new person. None the less, Emilia was still his sister, and Matei was overjoyed to see her again.

They pulled eachother into a loving hug, both with tears rolling down their cheeks.
'I missed you' said Matei, fondly stroking Emilia's tangled brown hair.
'Really? Because i didn't miss you' she replied jokingly, before pulling away to to meet her eyes with his. She had missed seeing his face so much.
'Why didn't you answer my calls?' Asked Matei. Emilia's smile instantly disappeared, and Matei could tell that she was avoiding his gaze on purpose.
'Erm... what do you mean?' Emilia replied unconvincingly.
'Come on, just tell me why. Did something happen with the wild pack? Why are you here?'
Emilia pushed past him, shoving her hands in her pockets as she trudged towards the Kafe.
Matei followed in pursuit, still clueless on what was going on with his sister. Emilia had almost reached the door when it suddenley swung open and Jana appeared.
'Emilia, it was you!' Jana said happily, opening her arms to give her a hug. However, Emilia had other ideas. She lept at jana, her eyes glowing yellow, black liquid tracing through her veins. Jana was thrown back against a wall, caught completely unaware by the angry young wolfblood.
'I hate you! I hate you!' Emilia screamed at her ex-alpha, clawing at Jana's face.Jana shouted for help, and in moments Selina had run downstairs and was desperatley trying to prise Emilia away from her alpha. TJ had followed Selina and was now helping her to restrain Emilia, and eventually they were successful. They took her upstairs, while Matei stayed with a concussed and confused Jana downstairs. Emilia had made several large scratches down Janas face, and a bruise was appearing where she hit the wall.
'Im so sorry Jana' Matei apologised as he helped her stand.
'Why? It wasn't your fault at all'
'I know. It's just, if my own sister would do this, what are complete strangers going to do to our pack?' Matei held Jana close to him as they both walked slowly over to one of the booths.
'I never thought of that. Look, you need to talk to Emilia. Find out why she's here, why she's so angry' Jana said as she sat down.
'Yeah ok. I'll be back soon' Matei smiled and tucked a strand of wild red hair behind his girlfriend's ear. He was fairly new to all this dating business, and when they first got together he was worried that he might not be the person Jana thought he was. But with Jana, there was none of that awkwardness. He knew that he could be totally true and honest with her, and for both of them, that showed just how much they loved eachother. Jana couldn't help but grin as she watched Matei walk through the door and up the stairs. She felt so lucky to have someone like Matei to stand by her, no matter what.

Menwhile outside, a man wearing all black was talking on a radio transmittor.
'You'll never guess what...the little one's back...YES! I'm sure its her. She's got that scar...So what do i do?... right, see you there'
Putting the transmittor in his back pocket, the man headed for where his companion was waiting for him.

Author's note
Ooh! A very eventful chapter,right?. I loved writing this chapter and it is my favourite one so far. Please comment what you think of my story so far. Will Emilia's return affect the pack, and if so, how?
ALSO, if you give me some advice on how to improve or possibly a suggestion for what could happen next, i would love to find out what you think.
Next chapter coming Sunday X

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