Chapter 15

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Matei was sitting on the roots of tree, resting against the trunk. He was watching the sun slowly sinking underneath the horizon as he checked his phone. Only an hour until moonrise.

He sensed Emilia and Cadwr approaching him, and second later they had sat down either side.
'Doesn't it feel amazing?' She breathed 'full moons in the wild are the best!' Matei smiled at his sister. At least someone was happy. 'Yeah, it's pretty great'
'We're gonna start heading back' Cadwr said as he stood up again 'You coming?'
'Not yet' Matei replied 'I need to find Jana. I thought she was with you but-'
'Oh she's still with Ollie.' Emilia interrupted 'He said he'd rather transform in the caves and Jana wanted to go with him' Matei frowned. Why would Jana want to spend the full moon with Ollie and not her boyfriend?

Emilia noticed the hurt expression on her brothers face. 'Aww is someone jealous?' She teased, giving Matei a playful shove. He ignored her and began walking up a steep hill. He wanted to find Jana before the moon rose, it was eisier to have a serious conversation when in human form.
'Matei, we don't have long!' Cadwr reminded him.
'I know. I'll be back before moonrise'
Emilia stared after her brother. It was clear that he wasn't too keen on Ollie.

2 minutes before moonrise

Aran stepped out of his tent and was about to assemble the pack when he noticed Matei sprinting towards him. He managed to stop himself a few feet away from the alpha, his eyes glowing yellow. All the other wolfbloods were the same; the pull of the moon was becoming too strong.
'No Jana?' Aran asked. Matei shook his head. He had tried to find them but had run out of time before he could find the caves. He had only just made it back in time. Aran sighed and turned his attention to the pack. He was dissapointed that Jana would let him and her pack down like that. It wasn't like her.

The wolfbloods had gathered outside the alpha tent, so Matei joined the rest of his city pack.
'Wow, this is nothing like the full moons in the city' Selina said between growls. She could feel her wolf rising inside her, and seconds later she had become it. Wolf-Selina danced happily around TJ's legs, before he transformed too. The Covachis soon followed, and within minutes the teritory was full of howling wolves.

The next day

'That. Was. Awesome!' Selina exlaimed sleepily. The city pack were in a small tent, reflecting on the events of the previous night.
'See? I told you, wild moons are the best!' Emilia replied. Matei let out a half laugh. It was true, last night was one of the best full moons of his life. However he couldn't help but think it missed something. Jana. His thoughts were stopped when he smelt a certain somebody approaching the tent the city pack were given. He immediately stood up and left the tent.

Matei wasn't easily made jealous, but this was an exeption.

Ollie was walking into the territory, his hair still messy from the transformation. But Jana was no-where to be seen.
'Where's Jana?' Matei asked sternly. Emilia had caught up with her brother by now, with Selina and TJ sleepily following behind.
Ollie looked at them in confusion. 'I thought she was with you. She left the caves ages ago, she should be back by now' A wave of panic ran through Matei like a chill. He could tell that Ollie had just realised the same thing, because their expressions began to match.

Jana was missing.

Author's note
Hi guys, do you like the chapter? Im afraid you might be on a cliffhanger for a while, I'm going on holiday tomorrow and I don't know when I will next have WiFi.
I will update it as soon as I can.

Keep reading, love ya xx

No Matter What- WolfbloodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora