Chapter 5 part 2

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Having not heard the conversation upstairs, Jana was completely unaware of what lay ahead for her as Matei reappeared by the door.
'Hey' Matei began uneasily as be walked over to the booth. 'You ok now?'
'Yeah. It's just, I keep thinking about what you said. I couldn't even protect you guys from Emilia, and it's only going to get worse from now' She sighed and stared down at her hands on the table.'Maybe I really have messed up this time.'
'No.' Matei said, reaching out to take her hands in his 'We're in this together, ok? We're all behind you, always. And even if the others aren't, well...' he looked into Jana's eyes 'I will be.' he added simply. Jana gazed into Matei's dark, serious eyes, the face that she knew so well and loved so much, and surprisingly felt herself smile.
'So, how did it go?' She asked sadly. It was clear that she was still upset, no matter how hard Matei tried. I'm not going to make her more miserable Matei thought to himself tell her something, but don't tell her everything. He took a deep breath and leaned further across the table, in order to get closer to Jana.
'She said the wild pack abandoned her. One day she woke up and they were just gone. Apparently it was to do with the secret being told'
'I guess that explains why she was so mad at me. So, what did my father say?' Matei swallowed the urge to tell her the truth, he couldn't do that to Jana, not when she was like this.
'Erm... Emilia didn't say anything about Alric'
He really hoped she believed him. Matei wanted to tell her so badly, but deep down he knew that this was the better option. He made a mental promise to tell her later.
'Really.' He replied, stroking Jana's hand with his thumb. She smiled and he smiled back, and they were both sure that they knew what the other was thinking. They were already only inches away from eachother, but as they leaned in Jana could pick up Matei's heart rate using her wolfblood hearing. She was glad when she heard that it was faster than average. It wasn't just her that was nervous. His scent was making her dizzy, and that must have contributed to her racing heart beat. Totally focoused on eachother, neither of them noticed Emilia's scent until she barged through the door.
'Oh. So I guess TJ was telling the truth' she said, staring at the two.
Matei rolled his eyes and glared at Emilia, clearly annoyed and slightly embarrassed.
'Come on lover boy' Emilia teased 'We've got to go'
'I'll see you later, yeah?' Matei shouted before he was dragged out the Kafe by his sister.
'Wait!' Jana dashed out after the Covachi siblings, following them out of the Kafe. The sun had just started to rise.'Emilia, I'm so sorry. I promise you, I'm going to find them!'
Emilia turned on her heel and marched away from her ex-alpha. 'whatever'

Author's note
I know the entire of this half chapter was basically just Jana and Matei, but I just love them so much!!! So do you think they can find the wild pack? When will Matei tell Jana the truth? More chapters to come... X

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