Chapter 24

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The pack had finally been reunited again, but not in the way they had hoped. They backed into a corner of the small room with brick walls, fearing their unknown fate. In the other corner stood Alex Kincade, with Ollie by his side. Their faces were only half illuminated due to the poor lighting in the room, making them seem all the more scary.

Matei was holding onto his sister tightly. He wasn't going to leave her, not this time. After hearing Jana talk about her nightmares, Matei knew what Kincade was capable of. Remembering the nightmares, Matei glanced over to Jana. He could tell that she was even more terrified than on the plane, but being the alpha she was, Jana was trying to hide it. He took her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze to reassure her.

'So, I guess I owe you an explanation as to why you're here.'
Alex had his hands behind him and Jana thought he was just holding them behind his back. But he was actually holding a small black box, wich he now showed the four wolfbloods. The lid opened to reveal four metal objects that Jana recognised immediately.

Serum injectors.

'After tonight the world will see your species for what you are. They will realise that wolfbloods are a threat to our world, and shouldn't be living among humans. If all goes to plan, after tonight wolfbloods will remain as wolves for eternity.'
Alex moved closer to Jana and held one of the metal devices close to her face.
'Jana, are you aware of the morwal?' His voice was soft, but to Jana it still made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. As soon as he mentioned the morwal, she could tell where this was going.
She nodded slowly 'Yes, I am'
'Well, to put it simply, my new serum injects effects of the morwal into your veins. Once the world sees you and your pack like this, it won't take much persuasion to convince the leaders of the world to agree to my plan.'

Jana didn't need to ask any more questions. If they didn't find a way out of this, every wolfblood on the planet was doomed.
'You can't do this! TJ protested.
'Yeah, we won't agree to this, ever!' Added Matei.

Alex laughed and looked the boys square in the face. 'I don't think you have a choice.'

He smirked again and turned to face Ollie, who was still standing anxiously at the other side of the room.
'I'll leave you to it, I need to go sort out something'


As soon as Kincade was gone, the pack turned on Ollie, growling and yellowing their eyes.
'So much for being in our pack' Matei snarled.
Ollie held his hands up in defence. 'Woah, that's a bit too harsh. You don't know how hard it's been for me'
'Oh yeah? How hard is it for us now?!' By this time, Matei had got closer to Ollie and was now glaring at him menacingly. Jana could see black veins crawling up the back of Matei's neck.
'I had no choice, ok!' Ollie flashed his amber eyes at Matei, which only enraged him more.

'Just stop!' Emilia suddenly shouted 'we can't argue right now, this isn't the time to play the blame game!'
She approached Ollie and Matei calmly, looking straight into Ollie's eyes.
'If Ollie wants to help us, he will.'
Ollie found himself looking right back at her. It was like she could tell what he was thinking with just a look. He knew what to do.

'I have an idea' he said quietly, before rushing out of the room.

5 minutes later.

Matei sighed and continued to pace the room. It gad seemed like ages that Ollie had left, had something happened? Out of the corner of his eye he could see Jana. She was sitting against the wall, knees up against her chest.

Matei remembered back to when he last saw his girlfriend like this. She had locked herself in her room after discovering the truth about her father. That seemed so long ago, Matei thought, so much had changed since then. Things got so complicated in such a small amount of time it seemed surreal.
He didn't say a word as he sat down next to her, he knew that all Jana needed right now was someone to be there. Someone to help with the responsibilities she had to face, someone to support her in what had to come next.

Seconds later, Ollie came marching back into the small room, clutching a handful of blue objects. The pack all stood up suddenly and crowded round Ollie, who was bent over the black box of Injectors and focusing intensely.
He fiddled clumsily with the four devices and the blue pill-looking items, until he finished and stood up straight.

'Ok. You guys can escape this and totally humiliate Kincade, but you need to do exactly what I say.'
The wolfbloods looked at eachother uneasily.
Ollie frowned 'What's wrong? '
'How can we trust you?' TJ asked
'If you guys don't escape this, every wolfblood on the planet is doomed. You have to trust me.' He looked at them all in turn and his eyes finally rested on Jana. 'Please.'

Jana stayed silent for a while, but finally she spoke up.
'Ok. Do what you need to do.'


Alex whistled happily as he made his way down the corridor. Eveything was going to plan, and in an hour or so, he would finally get his way.

He pushed open a door and entered a large wherehouse. At one end was a large metal shutter, and at the other was a series of camera and computer equipment. Among the many cables and machines was the man from the hotel, fiddling with the main camera lens. He noticed Alex approaching him and grinned.
'You ready?'
'Yeah, let's get this started. Did you manage to hijack  the telivision signal?'
'Yes, we are now in control of an entire telivision network.'
'Then let's get this started.'
The man nodded and took his position behind the camera. Alex stood a few feet from the lens and took a deep breath.

'You're on live in 3,2,1...'

Author's note

Oh my gosh, hello strangers! ;)
Wow I haven't been here for ages, school's been very... intense.

So this is the final chapter before the finale, which explains why it's a bit longer than usual. Please vote and comment if you want!

Also, who else is excited for wolfblood secrets!!! When I found out I was so happy, new wolfblood is exactly what I need. If you didn't know, there is a sneak preview on the CBBC wolfblood web page, go check it out!!!

See you all soon xx

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