Chapter 20

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The sky isn't the same without a moon. Sometimes it can feel like the stars are pulled together in the sky by the presence of the moon. Without it, the stars just seem scatterd, as if they are floating about with no purpose.

This is what was going through Jana's head as she looked out of her bedroom window. She loved to look at the night sky, but tonight was different. Tomorrow would be a dark moon day, and Jana was not looking forward to it. She had a few hours until all her powers would be drained for 24 hours, until she became human.

She sighed and returned to her bed, which was coverd in clothes. Trying to pack to go abroad was harder than she thought. Because she lived in the wild until she was 15, Jana had never left the country before. Sure, she had travelled a lot inside the UK, but had never ventured beyond the sea. The thought of being on an airplane terrified her too. An enclosed area packed full of people, with the constant possibility of crashing and dying horribly. Jana shuddered. Why did she make herself think that? Another worrying factor was the lack of info about the visit. Jana had tried her hardest to find any extra information, but it was like the conference didn't even exist. Luckily, Ollie had provided her with plenty of papers and documents from Segolia.

Jana found herself smile as she thought back to that moment. He passed the papers over the counter, with a dazzling smile and his shining eyes...
She snapped out of her daze and tried to focus on her washbag. This had been happening too much lately. She'd find herself thinking about it without even knowing. There was no way she could ever tell Matei about this.
The name bounced around her head, and Jana could feel a sinking feeling in her gut. She felt guilty. Jana knew how snappy she had been at him the other day, and had come to realise that he actually had done nothing wrong. Jana knew that Matei and Emilia had serious trust issues with Segolia, especially after the Covachi house fire and Protocol 5. Maybe she just needed to ask Matei to tell her everything. After all, weren't boyfriends and girlfriends supposed to share their issues?

Menwhile, downstairs
Matei had zoned out several minutes ago but he could tell that TJ was still talking. He didn't think it was possible for someone to be so exited about going away, especially someone as well travelled as TJ.
'...and I can't wait to try the food, and go to the beach-'
'TJ' Matei interrupted 'we're going to Milan. That's nowhere near the sea'
TJ frowned 'someone isn't getting into the holiday mindset' He saw his friend slouch in his seat and knew that something was wrong. 'Matei, what's up?'
Matei sighed. He knew he would eventually have to tell someone.
'It's Ollie. I think... I think Jana likes him'
'Ah, relationship issues, I should have known. You've always been terrible with girls'
'Hey! I'm not-' Matei stopped himself when he realised that TJ was right. 'Ok ok. What do I do TJ?'
'Just talk to her mate. Remember what happened last time you didn't tell her the truth?'
'Yeah..' Matei thought back to when he had chosen not to tell her the truth about her father. He certainly didn't want to go through that again.

'TJ! Matei! I didn't see you come in!' Katrina said as she flounced over. Typical Katrina, the two wolfbloods thought, always bright and bubbly.
'Yeah, you were busy painting your nails' TJ smirked.
'It was a morning fushia emergency!' Katrina protested, but laughing at the same time. 'Anyway, have you seen Ollie?
Matei raised an eyebrow 'No, why?'
'Some guy was in here earlier, asking if he had been in today.'
'What guy?'
'I don't know, but he seemed quite...well, dodgy.'
Matei glanced at TJ, who was looking back at him.
'Why did he want to see Ollie?' TJ asked.
'I don't know TJ! Because unlike you, I find it inpolite to interrogate people!' Katrina huffed and returned to the counter. 'I can't imagine someone like Ollie being associated with someone like that man, Ollie seems like such a cutie. You should see the way he looks at Jana.'

She sighed and returned to her duties, not noticing that Matei was glaring at her. Matei knew that he had not been completely honest to Jana about Ollie, but could it be possible that she was hiding things from him too?

Author's note
Hey guys, hope you like this chapter. Next time, the pack are heading off to Italy!!!
This is gonna be quite a long note because there are a few things I wanna let you know about...

Firstly, (unless you don't know already) I have started writing my own original book! So far I've only posted the prologue, but It's updating soon. I am super exited to start this project, and hope you all enjoy reading it.

Also, I think it's important that everyone is aware of plagiarism. You're  probably aware of it anyway, but I just wanna remind everyone that it can be a big deal, even if it's just wattpad. So if you want to use something in your story from someone else's, please ask first. You might not get the answer you want but its the right and honest thing to do.

Anyway, to end on a cheerful note, please vote and comment and check out my new book if you want!
Love you all xx

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