Chapter 19

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When Matei heared the news that Ollie had joined the pack, he certainly wasn't the most enthusiastic. Ever since he had first met the lone wolfblood, he had his doubts. But how could he openly accuse Ollie of something when he had no idea what he was up to? Dispite all this, Matei couldn't help but think that Jana liked him. Why else would she invite a complete stranger into the pack? Not even a very intelligent stranger either, Matei thought. He smiled to himself when he rememberd the day in the wild, when Ollie decided to wear a suit, as if he were on his way to a business meeting. Whatever it was, something about the mysterious wolfblood didn't seem to sit well with Matei...

So you can imagine the disapointment and fustration Matei felt when he sensed Ollie entering the Kafe, a week after the news had been announced. Matei was hoping to have some time with Jana (and possibly steal another kiss) but that didn't look so likely to happen anymore. Jana noticed that Ollie had arrived and sat down with Matei at a table, waving Ollie across.
'Hey' he began cheerfully 'Have you seen this?' He took his phone out of his pocket and passed it across the table. The screen showed a news article on a website, with the headline reading:

Wolfblood conference to be held in Italy
PM "If they have nothing to hide, they have nothing to fear"

Jana stared at Matei and then turned her attention back to Ollie.
'We should go. We need to prove that we're not a danger, that were just as normal as they are'
'I'll come too' Matei added. He saw TJ walk through the door and called him over. Jana explained to TJ what the situation was, and he couldn't have been more happy.
'Full moon in the mountains, pizza, no curfew? I'm in!'
Jana laughed and stood up from the table 'Ok, I'll find out some more information when I'm on a break'
'I'll call my mum' TJ added 'She could get Segolia to pay for us to go'
'No!' Ollie burst out suddenly. Everyone looked at him. 'I mean, I'll do it. Your mum has more important things to deal with' Matei was still looking at him suspiciously, so Ollie decided that now would be a good time to exit.
'I'll go do it now' he said shortly before leaving the Kafe in a hurry. As soon as he was outside, he took a deep breath. That was close. The truth was, Ollie didn't work for Segolia. Sure, he was part of the company, but only so that he would have been chosen to take the city pack to the wild. If Imara had gotten involved, he could have been found out. The last thing Ollie needed was to mess this up. And he knew what would happen if he did.

Back in the Kafe, Matei had decided to be open with Jana. If there was a reason she let Ollie into the pack, she would tell him.
'...I just can't trust him like you can' he concluded. He took her hands in his over the table, thinking that it may persuade her. But her face still seemed unconvinced. Matei could tell that he would need to try harder.
'I mean, how much do you actually know about him?'
'Enough to know that he needs a pack right now'
'Ok, but-'
'Matei!' Jana raised her voice 'We can trust him!' She stood up and resumed serving and clearing tables, clearly fed up of the conversation she just had.
Matei stayed seated, surprised at Jana's sudden outburst.

As Jana walked to and from the tables, she would glance over at Matei. He looked upset, gazing sulkily into his emty mug. What was his problem?! Why was he so dead against Ollie? Thinking about Ollie and Matei made her head spin. It all just seemed...weird. Weird to think of them both at the same time, weird to see them next to eachother.

There were so many aspects of Matei that Jana could see in Ollie.
So many parts of Matei that she adored and cherished. She loved Matei, eveything about him. So didn't that mean that she loved Ollie too? That would explain a lot, she thought. It would explain why her smile seemed to appear whenever she looked into Ollie's eyes.

Jana took a sip of coffee, trying to clear her mind. All this love and emotion running wild in her brain was taking a toll. She knew she loved Matei, even though they might have just fallen out slightly. It couldn't be possible to love Ollie, could it? She had only known him for two weeks, and she felt like she knew Matei all her life. She sensed Matei walk behind her and out the door. Normally she would've said goodbye, and maybe even given him a kiss, but she wasn't in the mood to confront either Matei or Ollie right now.

Matei took one step out the Kafe and instantly regretted it. Standing only a few feet away from him was Ollie, his mobile held up to his ear. He turned around and noticed Matei, smiling at him before walking around the corner. Matei didn't return the smile, just walked silently past and into the distance.

Author's note
Is everything just falling apart? Hey, I'm back with another chapter! What do you think about this trip to Italy? As always, please comment and vote, I really enjoy writing this and its awesome to get some feedback
Love you with all my heart xx

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