Chapter 8

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'No...' Jana mumbled into her pillow. It was happening again, the nightmares. It had been a lot worse since she had done ansion for Emilia.
'Please dad, no!' It didn't matter how much she shouted and protested, it was always the same. She saw the anger in her father's eyes...
'DAD!' Jana sat bolt upright, eyes bright yellow, her breath short and fast. She lifted her hands up to her head, hoping that it might clear get mind. That was when she noticed the familiar scent lingering outside her window. Why was TJ here? Jana sat up on her bed and reached for her phone. Oops Jana thought to herself as she scrolled through the pages and pages of missed calls. Have I forgotten something? She suddenly realised that TJ was still outside. Yeah I should probably go see him she thought, slowly walking towards her window.

A blast of cold air felt like a slap on the face to Jana as she opened her window. Sure enough, TJ was standing below wearing his usual jeans, hoodie and trainers combo.
'Forgotten something Jana?' He shouted up to his alpha, who was slowly scaling down the side of the Kafe. She landed gracefully a few feet away from him, still with no clue why he was here.
'Emilia, eolas... Ring a bell?'
'Oh! How did I forget about that?'
Jana cursed under her breath. Emilia already disliked her enough, she wasn't intending on making their friendship even worse.

Ten minutes later, Jana and TJ had arrived in at the den, where the Covachi siblings were waiting. Jana settled herself between the two and apologized for being late.
'Whatever. Why do you need me for eolas?'
It was clear that Emilia had still not forgivern her.
'Eolas allows wolfbloods to se great distances, but we have no clue where the wild pack are. Normally, they would be heading to their winter territory, but probably not this year. You know, because of the secret.' She looked Emilia square in the face 'You are the closest connection we have. We need you here'
Emilia looked confused, and then her expression softened. 'Ok'

They went out into the open just as the sky was getting brighter. Standing on the wet grass, Jana placed a hand on a nearby tree and outstretched the other to Emilia. She cautiously stepped forward and accepted it. Jana inhaled deeply and let her finger tips feel the texture of the bark, picturing the tree stretching skywards in her mind. Her vision traveled above and beyond, the wild wood becoming part of her body. Eyes yellowing, Jana could see her father, the wild pack, the cubs and Aran. What she hadn't rememberd was that wild wolfbloods naturally had eolas abilities, meaning that her father could tell she was watching him.

She didn't realise until it was too late.

'Jana!' She heard him say. The anger was clear in his voice. He looked around, knowing his daughter could see him. Jana must have physically reacted to this, because TJ was now slowly approaching her.
'Jana? What-'
'Sshh!' Jana interrupted. She needed to hear what her father had to say...
'You. You exposed our species. You tore our pack apart. You are the reason we got hunted down by those. .. humans! I hope your new pack was worth it, because you are no longer part of ours.'
'What? No...' She whispered, her yellow eyes welling with painful tears. TJ glanced at Matei, who had a similar expression to himself. What was going on?
Alric continued to upset his daughter. 'You are no daughter of mine. The wild pack and I will never forgive you, and you'd better keep your pack safe. Because we are coming. Soon, Jana, very soon'
Jana was in shock. She just about managed to raise her palm off the tree, before she froze completely, staring into oblivion. Emilia released her hand from Jana's and took a step back. They were all watching their alpha, clueless on what had happened. Emilia and TJ both turned to Matei, who took the hint.
'Erm, Jana?' Matei started ' Are you ok? What did you see?'
She didn't respond. The yellow from her eyes was draining, and she gradually became more aware of her surroundings once more.
'I can't go...' She whisperd.
'What?' Emilia was clearly upset 'Why not?'
The alpha turned to Emilia, struggling to put it into words. She could sense her eyes tearing up. She didn't care. Weren't alphas allowed to be upset at least once!? Jana needed to leave. Now.
'I'm- I'm sorry guys, Im not going' she barely managed to speak between sobs.
'Jana, wait!' Matei shouted, but Jana was already running far away into the woods, tears streaming down her face.

Author's note
Hey guys, hope you liked this chapter, the next one will be up some time in the weekend. I also wanted to give a shoutout to , they gave me a really good chapter idea that i will use in the future. Go read their stories! X

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