Chapter 13

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'Jana?' Katrina hissed. There was no reply, so she poked her head around the door and raised her voice. 'Jana!' Katrina saw the mound under the duvet move, signifying that her flatmate was awake.
'Katrina, it's 5am!'
'Yeah, but today is my outing with Kara, remember?'
Jana raised her head, stating at Katrina with a confused look. Katrina continued. 'So.. you need to get up and open the Kafe!'
'Ugh, fine!' Jana replied grumpily. Katrina smiled to herself and dissapered behind the door. Seconds later, Jana heard the front door shut. She rubbed her eyes and sat up on her bed. As her eyes came to focus, she noticed a folded peice of paper. Confused, she opened the letter and began to read...

Jana, please don't be mad. I really didn't want to go without saying goodbye properly, but I had no choice and I feel terrible about it. I decided to go to the wild with Emilia, and I'm afraid I can't say when I'll be back. Please understand that this was one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make, because you mean so much to me. I promise I still love you with all my heart, but Emilia needs me.
Matei xxx

Jana could feel tears running down her cheeks. He can't have gone without talking to her, could he? All she knew was that she needed to find them, before she lost them forever.

'Sel, look!' TJ  pointed down the corridor, and Selina turned to see a red-eyed, tearful Jana rushing towards them.
'Jana, what's wrong?' Selina held out her arms and Jana accepted it, hugging her friend tightly.
'I'll explain later. TJ, you need to call your mum.' TJ was confused, but he knew that now wasn't the time to argue. He took his phone out and dialled Imara's number.

Later that day

The car jolted violently as Ollie turned off the main road and onto a narow track. Emilia noticed the change of scenery. Piles of leaves, looming trees, it all started to feel like home. She was suddenly drawn out of her thoughts when Ollie slammed his foot against the break and the car came to a sudden stop. Only a few feet away from the car were three wolves. Matei realised who it was in an instant, and was the first to get out of the car. The others followed, and the three wolves transformed. They became Jana, TJ and Selina, standing in the middle of the road.
'Who are you?' Jana asked Ollie.He produced an ID card from his pocket.
'Ollie Platt. Segolia corporation.' Jana raised an eyebrow at the word Segolia.
Ollie noticed this.'Do you have a problem with that?'
'Maybe I do!' Jana could feel her eyes turning yellow, but she wasn't going to control her wolf. She had learnt not to trust Segolia.
'And may I ask who you are?' Ollie questioned, his eyes going yellow too.
'I'm their alpha!' She snarled angrily.
'Really? You arn't much of an alpha if they didn't even tell you they were leaving.'
Jana growled angrily at Ollie, black veins rising up her neck. But before anything else could happen, Matei pushed between them.
'Jana stop! He's helping us'
Ollie pushed past to face Jana again. 'Wait, you're Jana, Alric's daughter?'
'Uh, yeah'
Ollie's expression changed. 'Well, I guess you could come with us then.'
'Please come Jana' Matei begged. He took Jana's hand and she smiled. She was so scared that Matei didn't love her anymore. But now, she couldnt be more sure that he did.
'Of course, we'll all come. After all, a pack's got to stick together.'
'I hate to interrupt the reunion' Emilia said after a long silence 'but can we get going now?'
Everyone agreed and climbed into the car, Emilia and Ollie in the front, Matei and Jana in the middle and Selina and TJ in the back.
'You should all get some sleep. It's a full moon tomorrow.' Ollie told the pack as he started the car. They all did as the were told and settled down. Jana gazed out the window and couldnt help but think she made the wrong decision. The memory of her eolas experience was still vivid in her mind, and Jana was sure her father's views hadn't changed. Yet.

1 Hour Later

Emilia woke to someone shaking her. She opened her eyes to see her brother grinning down at her.
'What?' She mumbled. He replied with a knowing smile 'we're here.'

Author's note
So they've finally arrived at the wild pack! Hopefully Alric won't get too angry at Jana, but you'll have to wait and see! Also, I've officially finished school until September, so you can expect more frequent updates. Yay!!!
Keep reading, love ya awsome strangers xx

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