Chapter 22

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'I'm sorry about the early start' Ollie apologised as he started the car.
'You should be, we missed the breakfast buffet' TJ mutterd. Jana smiled and gazed out the car window. The small town they were driving through was very quiet; that was probably because it was still 5am. Ollie sensed that the pack were slightly annoyed at him, and decided to break the silence.

'erm, I bought some breakfast' he said, trying to rummage through his bag without taking his eyes of the road. TJ (who was sitting in the passenger seat) produced several boxes of bacon sandwiches from the bag and grinned.
'Thank goodness for Katrina's breakfast bacon butties' TJ passed two back to Matei, who offered one to Jana. She looked at it for a second and then shook her head.

'No thanks. I'm not hungry'
'you need to eat Jana. Please?' Matei told her.
Jana remained silent and fixed her stare on the glass of her window. She had never felt this nervous before, she felt sick. If there was one thing she was certain about right now, she wasn't eating a thing. However, Matei had other plans.
'Jana? Are you even listening?'
His girlfriend obviously wasn't.
'You know,' Ollie spoke up 'It's best to eat now, even if you aren't hungry. Breakfast is the most important meals of the day, and-'
Jana rolled her eyes. Great, another scientific rant. Usually, Jana found them fairly intesting, but now it just made her switch off even more. She heard someone shuffle about in their seat, and noticed Matei was looking directly at her.
'I get it, you're nervous. We all are. This is going to be one of the most hectic days of our lives, so we need our amazing, smart, beautiful alpha to be at her strongest. Ok?' He smiled and Jana felt like her heart was melting. There was no way she could argue against that! Jana sighed and accepted defeat, taking the sandwich. Beautiful, eh? She thought to herself.

30 minutes later
Trying to stay focused on the road, Ollie fumbled about in the glovebox for his phone. He could hear it ringing and hoped it wouldn't wake up the others. Eventually he gave in and pulled over into a side street. He groaned when he realised who was calling, but pressed the green icon anyway.
'Hey, no need to be rude' Ollie could reconise Alex Kincade's voice anywhere 'I called to tell you my good news. Are they asleep yet?'

Ollie turned around to check on the three wolfbloods. TJ had the hood of his hoodie pulled up, but Ollie could tell he was asleep. As for Matei, he was slumped back in his seat, with his mother's necklace clutched in his left hand. His right arm was wrapped around Jana, who had fallen asleep first.
'Yeah they are' Ollie replied
'Good. Get them here ASAP'
'Ok.' There was an awkward pause and Ollie thought he had hung up.
'Anyway,' Alex continued 'My news. We found them, the wild pack. Now that we have what we need we can proceed with the plan'
Ollie fell silent. What did Kincade take from the pack? What was it that he needed?
His questions were answered only seconds later.

'Let's just say we might have a Surprise for Mr. Covachi'

1 hour later
Jana felt her eyelids lifting, and her vision was blinded by bright white lights. As her eyes acoustemed, she noticed she wasn't in the car, she was in a small room in a highly uncomfortable chair. Panicking slightly, she noticed a man in the corner of the room.

She first reconised him by his scent; the smell of it still made her feel sick. It was only when he came closer that she reconised him by his face.

A face that was the cause of all her nightmares, a face she had hoped never to see again.

'Welcome to de ja vu Jana.' She heard Alex Kincade say.

Author's note
Sorry about the wait, I really hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Next time, everything starts to kick off, and hopefully you won't have to wait as long for the next one!

Please comment and also vote if you think this is good.
I will try my best to update ASAP

Love you guys xx

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