Chapter 7

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Jana hated dark moon days. Of course, all wolfbloods hated them, but because Jana was naturally wild, she seemed to be the most drowsy and temperamental of the pack. Her argument with Matei wasn't making her feel any better either...

So when Katrina burst into her room at 6am, Jana really wasn't in the mood.
'Morning!' Katrina sang brightly. She strided over to the curtains, making Jana wince as she thrust them wide open.
'It's your turn to do the morning shift Jana'
'But Katrina-'
'And remember the Sunday specials!'
'Yeah but Katrina-'
'I presume Mr. Covachi will be here soon for his free Sunday milkshake?'
'Katrina!' Jana groaned angrily.
Jana raised an arm and pointed to the calender next to her bed. The square she was indicating was coloured in completely black.
'Oh. Yeah, I forgot about that' Katrina sat down on the end of the bed ' You feeling Ok?'
'Honestly? No, not at all' Jana muttered as she sat herself up. She had no idea how Katrina felt like this all the time.
'Well, dark moon day or not, Matei's still going to be here any minute'
'Oh... yeah, um... I'll be down soon'
Katrina frowned. Jana was always so exited to see Matei.
' I guess I'll see you later then' Katrina said as she exited the room. The second the door was shut, Jana fell backwards into her bed. There was no way she was getting out of bed today.

Katrina clumped down the stairs sulkily and stood in front of TJ and Selina.
'Well?' Selina asked 'Will she do it?'
'I don't think so. She acted really weird when I mentioned Matei' Katrina thought for a second 'We need to get them to meet. Resolve whatever issues they have. They know they love eachother, they just need some help, then maybe Jana will do that... Oleos thing'
'Eolas' TJ corrected her ' Ok, we'll get Matei here' he added, looking at Selina. She noticed the hint and took out her phone, dialling Matei's number.

Matei glumly trudged towards the Kafe. Him and Emilia were planning on spending the whole day in their beds, but Selina had called him, saying that there was an emergency at the Kafe. However, she had hung up before he could ask any questions. He certainly got a shock when he opened the door to see Jana standing inches away from him. She looked as if she was trying to escape the situation.
'Hey' He began.
'Hi.' Jana replied bluntly, before turning round and returning to the counter. She picked up a cloth and started cleaning tables, making herself look busy. TJ noticed this. 'Hey, let me and Sel do this Jana' he took the towel and leaned in closer to her 'I think you guys need to talk' She grinned at him sarcastically, and walked back to Matei. The Kafe was faily busy, so Matei took Jana by the hand and led her into the kitchen. Closing the door behind him, he turned to face Jana. She had her arms crossed and a dissaproving look on her face.
'Look, I would say I'm sorry but i know that's not enough. You just have to understand that i did what i thought was best. I couldn't bear making you more upset than you were. Hey-' He took both her hands in his and moved his head so that his pleading eyes met with hers. 'I promise I was going to tell you'
Jana's face was expressionless for a moment, and then she slowly smiled. 'Ok' she said quietly. Matei was right. She couldn't be angry at him forever, and when she was gazing into his eyes, she wonderd how she ever could be again.

She loved him too much to be angry anymore.

Matei was contemplating wether to say it or not. He touched his forehead to hers, and hugged her tight. He was so happy to have his girlfriend back. 'Jana' he whispered 'I love you' Wow, it felt so good to finally say it out loud! Jana opened her eyes, meeting them with his. ' I love you too' she whispered back. It was happening again, Jana thought. Her heart thumped at his scent, turning her insides to mush. However, just like before, they were interrupted at the worst time.
'Oh. Sorry.' TJ said awkwardly as he burst through the door. Matei looked annoyed 'Dont worry' he turned to Jana 'So, will you do Eolas for Emilia? She still really wants to find the wild pack'
'Of course. I need to finish my shift though.' They all sat in the usual booth and Jana went to get Matei his free Sunday milkshake. TJ was trying to make amends for earlier, but his unique approach wasn't working.
'So, what were you guys up to?' He asked teasingly. Him and Selina were always keen to get every ounce of information out of Matei. He sighed and slouched in his seat 'Why do you care? Just because you can't get a girlfriend'
Selina laughed and placed a hand on TJs shoulder 'He has got a point'.
TJ gave in. 'Ok Ok. Just tell us one thing' He leaned further across the table and Matei raised an eyebrow, expecting the worst.
'Have you kissed her yet?'
'Well, maybe if you hadn't interrupted earlier...'
'So you havent?'
'What? No, not yet'
'So you admit you want to kiss her?'
'Look guys' Matei said as he stood up from the table 'If you two are so obsessed with relationships, just admit you like eachother.' The pair blushed and looked away, signalling to Matei that he had won. Smirking, he went to get his milkshake from Jana. She passed it to him and sat down the other side of the counter.

Little did they know that they were all being watched and carefully observed. Just as everything was starting to calm down, a storm was brewing.

And it was going to hit them hard.

Author's note
It is literally midnight right now but i really wanted to upload this chapter! It took a lot of brain power, but i got there. Please comment what you think, it means a lot x
Next chapter up soon x

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