Chapter 23

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Kincade's satisfied smirk told Jana all she needed to know.
'It was you! You made this whole thing up just to get us here!'
'Yes I did. But I can't say I did this all myself'
His smile widened even further when he saw the confused expresion on Jana's face.
'Come on Jana. A charming young man appears from nowhere and persuades you to go abroad? I thought you were smarter than that'
Jana felt her mouth drop open in surprise. All this time, Ollie had been lying to her, to everyone!

Her mouth closed and she shook her head.
'You're lying. Ollie wouldn't do that.' Jana growled
'What's it to you if he did? You seem to care a bit too much' he chuckled and then stopped suddenly, looking at her sympathetically.
'Oh I'm sorry. Im sure you love Matei very much'
Jana gasped and leaned forward in her seat. Matei.
Kincade grinned. Making Jana worry was just too easy.

Slamming her hands on the arms on the arms of the chair, Jana's eyes yellowed and she stood up to face her enemy. 'What have you done with my pack?' Jana demanded.
Kincade didn't need to answer, because seconds later a shout echoed through the room. Jana could tell it was coming from just outside, but what terified her more was the words that were being shouted.
Matei's voice calling for his sister made her realise that things were worse than she thought.

Once again there was no reply. Matei kicked the wall in fustration, he knew he had smelt his sister's scent. But now there was nothing, nothing at all.
'Are you sure it was her?' He heard TJ say from behind him.
'Im sure' he snapped.
TJ sighed and continued down what seemed like the 100th corridor. Him and Matei had woken up about an hour ago in a small room, with nothing exept a door that was slightly open. It was only recently that Matei had insisted that he knew Emilia was here, but TJ wasn't sure.

However, his mind was changed when his wolfblood hearing picked up a familiar voice.
'Matei! TJ!'
Matei turned around and stared at TJ.
'You heard that, right?'
The two wolfbloods started to run, and soon they had a scent to follow too. Matei was sure she was close, she had to be!

The little cub almost knocked her brother over when she turned the corner and ran into him. Emilia had been wondering the white empty corridors for hours, so she was delighted to find someone, especially her brother and TJ.
Matei let out a sigh of relief and the two siblings hugged eachother as if they'd never let go.
'Emilia, what are you doing here?!'
'Me? What are YOU doing here?!'
'Can we sort this out later please!' TJ interrupted 'we need to find Jana and Ollie and get out of here now!'

'Im here.' They heard a voice say at the end of the corridor. They saw Ollie, looking at them with a blank expression.
'Ollie, what?' TJ asked 'do you know what's going on?'

Ollie watched on sadly as he saw three men approach the helpless wolfbloods silently, and take them away.

In the room nextdoor
Jana continued to pound on the locked door, despite the tears now running down her cheeks. She knew they had been there, she had smelt and heard them. But where were they now? Jana stopped and looked at her hands, the black veins were flowing out of control.

'Let me see my pack now!' She tried to sound powerful but the tears weren't letting that happen.
'Of course' Alex replied 'as soon as you agree to my plan, I'll take you to your pack straight away'
'Im not agreeing to any of your plans' Jana said stubbornly.
Kincade tutted and sat down in the single chair.
'Typical wild wolfbloods, won't agree to anything or work alongside anyone. It's a weakness, really.'

That was all Jana could take.
'BEING WILD ISN'T OUR WEAKNESS, ITS OUR STRENGTH!' She shouted, her eyes now glowing amber. She felt her wolf rising inside her and tried to calm herself down.
'If you let me see my pack, I will listen to what you have to say.'
Her voice was still shaky, but she hoped she came across as persuasive. It must have worked, because Alex Kincade unlocked the door and stepped outside, indicating for Jana to follow him.

Author's note
Hey everyone! Only one more chapter until the BIG FINALE!

Please vote if you liked this chapter and I'd really appreciate it if you took the time to comment and tell me what you think of the story.

I also start school tommorow so my updates may not be so frequent. Im sorry, but GCSEs are just a little bit more important than wattpad. Just a little. ☺

Love you lots xx

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