Chapter 16

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'Emilia, stay here with Cadwr' Matei instructed his siter. He was growing more and more worried; it had been several hours scince Ollie had returned , and still no Jana. Thinking of Ollie, he turned round and stared at him. He had changed out of his city clothes and was now in smarter trousers and a white fitted shirt. He didn't look very prepared for the wild, Matei thought. Usually he would find this  amusing, but anger was bulding up inside him. If Ollie was responsible for this... No, he had to find Jana. He could deal with Ollie later.

1 hour later
TJ had been searching for what seemed like forever, but he could still not find his alpha's scent. He knew that Selina, Matei and Ollie were also looking, but there had been no news. He stopped and wonderd if he could try eolas. After all, Jana had given him some lessons, and the wild was the best place to try. The city wolfblood took a deep breath and knelt down. Pressing his fingers into the grass, TJ felt his eyes yellowing as he focoused carefully. But there was no need for eolas. TJ looked up, and Jana was in sight.
'Jana!' TJ started running. Jana turned around from where she was sitting, a weak smile appeared on her face. She tried to stand up but collapsed instantly, crying out in pain. TJ rushed up to her and helped her stand. Jana wimperd and clutched her ankle, clearly in a lot of pain. TJ lifted her arm over his shoulder, and began to walk her back to the pack. However after a few steps, Jana stumbled.

She found herself in someone's arms, and as she looked up she realised who it was.
'Jana! What happened?' Matei held her tightly. He had been so worried, but seeing Jana in so much pain put him on a whole new level of worry. He helped TJ support Jana and on the way back, Jana shakily explained what happened that morning...

In the wild pack
Emilia watched in intrest as the pack healer sorted through bunches of herbs and ingredients. Although her main intrest was hunting, Emilia was very intrigued by medicines, especially the remedies by the wild wolfbloods. If she hadn't become a fire walker, she would have had ambitions of becoming the pack healer.

She was in the alpha tent with Matei, Jana and Aran. The healer had given Jana a series of different medicines and mixtures, and had even found a clean bandage to put around her ankle. Jana had told TJ and Matei what had happened earlier that day: After telling Ollie she was going back, Jana got lost in the caves. It was dark, so she had tripped over and fallen awkwardly on her ankle. As Jana stared at her left ankle, she realised it was more serious than she thought. It was very swollen, and a nasty cut was stinging against the fabric of the bandage.

The healer finished sorting the items and nodded to Aran and Emilia, who followed the healer out the tent. Matei turned his attention to Jana, who was wincing as she tried to move her left foot.
'Jana, dont do that. It'll heal soon' Matei was right. Wolfblood cells could heal in very short time, even serious injuries could be healed in a matter of days. Jana gave a miserable smile, still upset. Sighing, Matei stood up and wrapped his arms around her
'You'll be ok' he reasured her. She hugged him back gratefully, but they broke apart when a voice was heard appraching.
'Jana, I-' Ollie stopped when he came in the tent and noticed Matei. 'Sorry, I thought Jana was in here alone. I need to ask her something, but it can wait'
Then he left, leaving the other two very confused.
'What did Ollie want to ask you?' Matei asked.
Jana shrugged 'Dunno' she casually replied before tucking into a large meal of raw meat. Matei frowned. Jana hadn't actually told him anything about her transformationwith Ollie. What did Ollie want to ask her?

Emilia and Cadwr were sitting in a tree when they saw Matei leave the alpha tent. Emilia looked over to Cadwr, who was smirking.
'What's so funny?'
Cadwr smiled 'Your brother. He walks like a human'
'Hey! You'd better watch out, he's living with us now!'
Cadwr sighed 'He won't fit in'
'Why wouldn't he?'
'The wild is in your heart Emilia, you are a cerddwr tân, a fire walker. You are ment to be here. Matei knows the wild is not in his heart, he is too tame'
Emilia shook her head 'No, he wanted to come'
'Did he? City wolfbloods should stay in the city, maybe you should ask him what he wants'
Emilia sighed. Maybe Cadwr was right.
'I'll think about it. Come on, lets go hunting' she leaped down from the tree, Cadwr close behind. They set off for the forests, walking hand in hand

Author's note
Aww they are so sweet! Sorry for not updating for a while, I  was in the middle of nowhere on holiday and I had NO WIFI!!!!  But I'm back now so it's ok. Please comment and also vote if you want, its great to know some people are actually reading this!
Love you guys xx

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