Chapter 6

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Two days later...

The clock had just ticked onto 4, so Jana was expecting TJ, Matei and Selina to come through the Kafe door any second. She tapped her fingernails on the counter nervously, and checked her phone for what seemed like the hundreth time. No messages all day, from any of them.

Jana jumped as she heard the bell, and smiled as she saw her two friends come in and sit down in the usual booth. However, there were only two of them.
'Where's Matei?' Jana asked as she made her way towards the pair.
'Oh, hello to you to Jana!' TJ replied sarcastically, earning a laugh from Selina.
'Ok ok, sorry. But seriously, where is he?'
'All he said was that he was going straight home' Selina said 'I don't know, he seemed really... distant today.'
Jana frowned and she felt her heart sink a little. Emilia had just moved back in with Matei and their foster parents, was that why he was acting weird? Or... was it something she had done? No matter what it was, she was determind to find out. TJ interrupted her thoughts.' Jana, you should call him. There's no way he wouldn't tell you if something was wrong' Jana nodded in agreement and reached for her phone.She really hoped she hadn't done anything wrong...

1 hour and 20 attemped phone calls later, they still hadnt been successful. After the final attempt, they agreed for TJ and Selina to confront Matei at college tomorrow.
'I'm sure its not anything too serious' Selina reassured Jana as she and TJ left the Kafe. As soon as TJ was out, he glanced as his watch. He almost had a heart attack when he realised that he was supposed to be home over an hour ago. Imara had always been strict about her son being home on time, but since the secret came out, it had been even worse. Sometimes, TJ felt like he was living in a prison. However, recently he had found a track through the remote forest part of the city, and now that he could use his wolfblood abilities to the maximum, it wouldn't take too long to get home. After 3 minutes of super-sprinting, TJ stopped by the same place he always would - the pack's den. He was about to go in when he picked up a familiar scent from inside. Matei.

TJ found Matei sitting on a wooden crate, looking at his mother's ring, turning it in his fingers. When he looked up at TJ something in his eyes signified what the issue was to his friend.
'You didn't tell Jana, did you?' TJ said as he dragged over a crate to sit on.
'I couldn't upset her like that' Matei sighed and returned his gaze to the floor. 'She means too much to me' he muttered.
'Look mate, I know you see me as a master of girls and relationships...'
Matei snorted with laughter. TJ ignored him and carried on '...but this is up to you. But if it was me, I'd tell her now. Before it's too late and someone else does. Its going to sound best coming from you.
Matei stared at his friend, confused. 'Since when were you the sensible one?' They both laughed, and made their way towards the entrance.

They all met at the city ruins that evening. Jana had promised to find the wild pack, and she wasn't planning on breaking that. When she told Emilia this, the young cub was still confused.
'I don't get how you can find them like this. They made sure they didn't leave anything behind'
'Look, Jana's got this' TJ said to Emilia. She calmed down after this, and let Jana hold her hands. Jana allowed her mind to be sucked into the wilderness around her, the ansion abilities of her wolf coming to the surface. Her bright yellow eyes saw into the past. The wild pack gathering, humans closing in, and her father... what was he saying? Jana suddenly slipped out of ansion, stunned by what she had heard. Surely, Alric didn't mean it... did he?
'Jana, are you ok?' Matei walked cautiously towards Jana, and was about to take her hand when she suddenly whipped round, facing him.
'You lied to me?' She breathed, the images of her father shouting still vivid in her mind. How could Matei not tell her about something this important?
'Jana I swear, I was going to tell you!'
But Jana wasn't listening. Marching angrily back down to the city, she could feel her eyes stinging with angry tears. She hated all these human emotions, wolf instinct was so much better. But she couldn't help how she felt right now. No matter how many ways she looked at it, it always came to the same conclusion.

The person she trusted most in the world had lied to her.

And she knew they would never be the same again.

Author's note
Well, that was an intresting chapter! But there's something even more exiting... WOLFBLOOD SERIES 5!!! Yes, it is official, there is going to be another series!  I can't wait!!!
Anyway, back on the subject, what do you think of Jana's reaction? Do you think they'll find the wild pack? Next chapter up soon x

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